Yan Zi of the State of Qi was sent on a mission to the State of Chu.
The King of Chu intended to humiliate the State of Qi toYan Zi's face.
One day, the King of Chu gave a banquet for Yan Zi. Just
when they were enjoying it, two petty officials brought a convictto the King.
Deliberately the King of Chu asked: "What crime has this man committed?"
楚王故意問道: “這人犯了了一麼罪?”
One of the petty officials answered: "He robs."
小官回答說: “他是一個強盜。”
Again the King of Chu asked: “Where is he from?"
The petty official answered: "He is from the State of Qi."
小官回話: “他是齊國人。”
The King of Chu turned to Yan Zi and said: "So the people of the State of Qi are used to committingrobbery."
楚王回頭對晏子說: “原來齊國人是慣於當強盜的。”
Yan Zi stood up and replied:
"Your Majesty, I heard that when orange trees grown in thesouth of the Huai River are transplanted to the north of Huai River,they become trifoliate orange trees.
Outwardly the leaves of orangetrees and those of trifoliate orange trees look alike, but the tastesof their fruits are entirely different.
Our people of the State of Qinever commit robbery, but once they come to the State of Chu,they start to engage in criminal activities.
I think, maybe this isthe effect of the environment and climate here."
As the King of Chu heard this, he was struck dumb withshame.
One year it did not rain for a long time in the State of Qi, and there was an extremelysevere drought.
Jing Gong, the King of Qi, was very worried.
He wanted to offer sacrifices to the mountain deity to pray for rain.
His prime minister Yan Zi said to him:"Your Majesty, don't do that.
It is no use to beg the mountain deity for mercy.
The stones in the mountains are like his bones and sinews;
the soil in the mountains is like his muscle; the grass and trees in the mountains ane like hishair.
When it doesn't rain for a long time, the hair of the mountain deity will wither and his muscleswill be seared in the sun.
Won't the mountain deity be anxious for rain too?
If he could make it rain, it would have rained long ago."
Jing Gong said: "All right, we won't beg the mountain deity. Then how about begging Hebo ***theriver deity***?"
"Your Majesty, it's no use either," replied Yan Zi. "
Water is the territory of I-Iebo.
Fish and soft-shelled turtles are his subjects.
When it hasn't rained for a long time, the water in the river will dry up, which means that Hebowill lose his territory;
his subjects like fish and soft-shelled turtles will all die of thirst.
If Hebo could make it rain; it would have rained long ago.
What is the use of praying to Hebo?"
Convinced by Yan Zi's words, Jing Gong no longer prayed to the deities for rain.
During the Spring and Autumn Period ***770一476 B.C.***, a skillful craftsman namedGongshu Zi inthe State of Lu, known to people as "Lu Ban", made a magpie withbamboo and wood.
A machine was installed in this magpie which, when started, could fly high like a real bird. Itactually flew continually for three days and nights before it landed.
Gongshu Zi greatly appreciated this excellent work of his own.
When Mo Zi ***Master of the Mohist School*** heard of this, he went immediately to see GongshuZi and said to him:
"As you know, it takes an ordinary carpenter a very short time to make a linchpin of a wheelwith the minimumamount of timber. A vehicle with a linchpin inserted into each end of an axlecan carry many things andbear a heavy load of 50 dan***1 hectolitre***. But you took painstakingeffort to make this wooden magpie. Though pretty and able to fly, it cannot compare with thelinchpin in terms of practical value. Things made by a carpenter should be useful for people'slife, so that everyone will praise him for his cleverness and skill. Otherwise, he is bound to bederided."
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