In ancient times, at the foot of Mount Tai surrounded by mountains, one often heard of tales of tigers devouring people
One day, Confucius and his disciples passed by Mount Tai. As they walked along, his disciples talked about what they had heard and seen.
Suddenly, they heard someone weeping in the distance. They went over and saw a young woman who, with her head covered with a white kerchief, wore white cotton clothes, trousers, shoes and stockings. She was kneeling in front of a new grave and weeping bitterly. The disciples didn't know what to do. Confucius ordered one of them to go forward and ask: "Who has died? Why are you weeping in such sorrow?"
The woman raised her head, wiped her red and swollen eyes, sobbed and answered intermittently: "In the past, my father-in-law was devoured by a tiger. Later, my husband was devoured by a tiger too. Now my son has also been bitten to death by a tiger."
Confucius' disciple asked worriedly: "The tiger harmed the lives of three generations of your family. Why didn't you leave this place earlier and move to somewhere else?"
The woman sobbed, saying: "There are tigers here, but there are no exorbitant taxes, levies or heavy corvee here!" When Confucius heard this, he turned to his disciples and said: "Remember, tigers devour people, but tyranny is fiercer than tigers!"
關於短的英語美文:The Blind Man and the Little Animal
A blind man is good at touching all the things.
No matter whatever the thing is he can distinguish it as soon as he touches it
A man brings a young wolf and lets him touch it.
Having touched the animal, he says, "This is a fox or a wolf, I am not sure. But I know that putting this kind of animal into the sheep pen is not safe"
The story means: we can know someone's bad habits from when he is young.
關於短的英語美文:The Man Selling the Idol
A man carves an idol and takes it to the fair. No one buys it, so he begins to shout in order to canvass the customer.
He says that this idol can bring in wealth and good luck. One man says to the seller, "Hello, My friend, if this is so, you should have the advantages that the idol can bring, why do you want to sell it?" The seller says, "What I want is that I can get cash in at once. The profit from the idol is so slow."
This story means: God will never respect people who make a profit by hook or crook.
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