寶寶 [bǎo bǎo]
Might I ask for a photograph of your little baby?
我們恐怕該走了。 "小寶寶們,別把包括在內" 。
"Perhaps it's time we were leaving." "Speak for yourselves, darlings!"
Her baby is due next week.
Do not wear an uncooperative child.
The father sea horse carries the eggs to keep them safe until they hatch.
Spongebob turned into a clown.
She was ecstatic about her new baby.
Are you looking for some information about the baby photography.
There was a baby asleep in the bed.
This baby dress was made by the mother herself.
1. Derek is now the proud father of a bouncing baby girl. 德里克現在為有一個健康活潑的女寶寶 而驕傲。
2. Don't assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she's fretful. 不要想當然地認為你的寶寶 一鬧就是要吃奶。
3. I cleaned myself up a bit, and got the baby ready. 我拾掇了一下自己,把寶寶 也收拾妥當。
4. The baby, dressed in a flowery jumpsuit, waved her rattle. 寶寶 穿著印花的連身衣,揮動著她手中的撥浪鼓。
5. Your baby's tummy should feel warm, but not hot. 你寶寶 的肚子摸起來應是暖和的,而不是發燙的。
6. Place your baby in her seat and play her a lullaby. 把寶寶 放到座位上,給她彈一首搖籃曲。
7. Wrap your baby snugly in a shawl or blanket. 拿一條披巾或毯子把寶寶 舒舒服服地裹起來。
8. Back home, Shirley plays with, feeds and bathes the baby. 回到家裡,雪莉逗寶寶 玩耍,喂他吃飯,給他洗澡。
9. The hiccups may shake your baby's body from head to foot. 打嗝可能會讓寶寶 從頭到腳地顫。
10. The baby began to crawl, then managed her first tottering steps. 寶寶 開始只是爬,後來第一次站起來蹣跚著走了幾步。
11. A sleepless baby can seem to bring little reward. 寶寶 睡不著覺似乎沒有任何好處。
12. He prayed that his barren wife would one day have a child. 他祈禱自己不孕的妻子有朝一日能懷上寶寶 。
13. You can't be with your baby all the time. 你不能總守在你的寶寶 身邊。
14. She and Chantal must have exhausted the subject of babies and clothes. 她和尚塔爾肯定已經充分討論過寶寶 和衣服的問題。
15. Their baby is a person in his own right. 他們的寶寶 是個很獨立的人。
16. The baby had been poorly but seemed on the mend. 寶寶 生病了,但似乎正在好起來。
17. She dreamed about her baby. 她夢見了她的寶寶 。
18. Coping with three babies is very hard work. 照顧3個寶寶 是非常累人的活兒。
19. Two smiley babies are waiting for their lunch. 兩個寶寶 正笑眯眯地等著他們的午飯。
20. Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously. 寶寶 的心搏將會受到持續監控。
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