


  恭喜! Congratulations!


  I passed my driving test! ***我駕照考試通過了。***

  Congratulations! ***恭喜!恭喜!***

  恭喜你的訂婚。 Congratulations on your engagement.

  用Congratulations on your engagement表示“祝賀……”的場合。

  I'm engaged. ***我訂婚了!***

  Congratulations on your engagement. ***恭喜你訂婚!***

  恭喜你們喜結良緣。 Congratulations on your marriage.

  Congratulations on your marriage. ***恭喜你們喜結良緣。***

  Thank you. ***謝謝!***

  恭喜生子。 Congratulations on the birth of your child.

  It's a boy. ***是個男孩。***

  Congratulations on the birth of your child. ***恭喜生子。***

  恭喜你考上大學! Congratulations on entering...

  Congratulations on entering...College. ***恭喜你考上……大學。***

  Thank you. ***謝謝!***

  恭喜高升! Congratulations on your promotion!

  I got promoted! ***我晉升了!***

  Congratulations on your promotion! ***恭喜高升!***

  祝賀你康復! Congratulations on your complete recovery.

  Congratulations on your complete recovery. ***祝賀你康復!***

  Thank you for your support. ***謝謝您一直鼓勵我。***

  祝賀你! Good for you!

  My book was published. ***我的書出版了。***

  Good for you! ***祝賀你!***

  我為你而高興! I'm ***really*** happy for you.

  We made up. ***我們和好了。***

  I'm really happy for you!***我為你們高興。***

  = I'm delighted for you.


  乾杯! Cheers!

  在英國也可用來表示Thank you ***謝謝***的意思。

  讓我們乾杯! Let's make a toast!

  make a toast 表示“乾杯!”。

  = Why don't we make a toast?

  為了您的健康***乾杯***! Here's to your health!

  後面常接Cheers!***乾杯!***。Here's是Here is的省略形式。

  我提議讓我們為史密斯先生乾杯! Let me propose a toast to Mr. Smith.

  = I'd like to propose a toast to Mr. Smith.

  祝您成功! Break a leg!

  用於向對方表示“祝您走運”時。break a leg 直譯是“骨折”,但含有“祝您走運”的意思。對演員必須用Break on leg,有人認為對演員用Good luck的話,會招致不幸。

  = Knock'em dead!

  = Good luck!

  = Go get'em!

  是Go get them!的口語縮寫形式。


  Happy anniversary!

  Happy anniversary! ***結婚紀念日快樂。***

  It's our tenth anniversary. ***這是我們結婚10週年。***

  謝謝你陪我共度人生。 Thanks for being in my life.

  Thanks for ten wonderful years. ***謝謝你給了我美好的10年。***

  這是送給你的生日禮物。 Here's your birthday gift.

  Here's your birthday gift. ***這是送給你的生日禮物。***

  Thanks. That's very nice of you. ***謝謝,你真是太好了。***

  生日快樂! Happy birthday!

  It's my birthday. ***今天是我的生日。***

  Happy birthday, John! ***約翰,生日快樂!***

  聖誕節快樂! Merry Christmas!

  Merry Christmas! ***聖誕快樂!***

  Merry Christmas to you, too.***也祝你聖誕快樂!***

  祝您聖誕快樂! Have a Merry Christmas.

  Have a Merry Christmas. ***祝您聖誕愉快!***

  Thank you. ***謝謝。***

  = I wish you a Merry Christmas

  感恩節快樂! Happy Thanksgiving!


  Happy Thanksgiving! ***感恩節快樂!***

  You, too. ***也祝你快樂!***

  我們吃南瓜派吧。 Let's have pumpkin pie.


  Let's have pumpkin pie.***我們吃南瓜派吧。***

  It's my favorite. ***這是我最喜歡吃的。***

  不請吃就搗蛋! Trick or treat!


  Trick or treat! ***不請吃就搗蛋!***

  Oh, you scared me! ***哦,你嚇了我一跳!***

  母親節快樂! Happy Mother's Day!


  Happy Mother's Day! ***母親節快樂!***

  Oh, thanks. ***哦,謝謝。***

  你真是我的好媽媽。 Thanks for being such a good mom.

  Thanks for being such a good mom. ***你真是我的好媽媽。***

  How sweet! ***你真可愛!***

  復活節快樂! Happy Easter!

  Easter 紀念“耶穌復活”的節日,一般指春分月圓的第一個星期天。因此,每年的具體日子不同。

  Happy Easter! ***復活節快樂!***

  You, too! ***祝您也快樂!***

  情人節快樂。 Happy Valentine's Day!


  Happy Valentine's Day! ***情人節快樂。***

  That's nice of you. ***你太好了。***

  做我的情人吧! Be my Valentine.


  Be my Valentine. ***做我的情人吧。***

  I'd love to. ***我非常樂意!***

  祝賀新年! Here's to the New Year!

  Here's to the New Year! ***祝賀新年!***

  Cheers! ***乾杯!***

  新年快樂! Happy New Year!

  Happy New Year! ***新年快樂!***

  = Happy New Year to you, too! ***新年快樂!***