



  1. 要發散思維,忌單向思維,考各種從屬句,常常是不同型別的連線詞語正誤連綴而至,如果不抓住這一點,不從多方面思考選擇,就容易以偏概全,誤入歧途;

  2. 弄清主從複合句中的每一個從屬連線詞的意思、用法、主句與從句在時態上的呼應、語氣、是否需要倒裝、固定搭配及邏輯常識等;

  3. 熟記句型及特殊表達形式;

  4. 注意各分句之間的特點及區別;

  5. 注意有些連線詞的省略情況及省略後某些語序發生的變化。





  1.that引導的從句e.g. It is reported that one third of Guangzhou citizens plan to buy a private car. ***據報道,三分之一的廣州市民打算購買私家車。***

  2. whether/if引導的從句e.g. Whether motorcycles should be banned in Guangzhou has become an issue of controversy.***廣州是否禁摩托車成了有爭議的話題。***

  3. how/why/when/where引導的從句e.g. This essay aims to explore why so many white collar workers suffer from insomnia. ***本文將探討為什麼這麼多白領失眠的原因。***

  4. who/whom/whose/what/which引導的從句e.g. Who should be responsible for the environmental degradation is still unknown.***誰對環境惡化負責還不清楚。***



  ***1***由關係代詞who, whom, whose, that, which, as引導的從句。例如: People who are strongly against human cloning claim that it is immoral and unethical. ***強烈反對克隆人的人們認為這樣做不道德和不合倫理***

  ***2***由關係副詞when, where, why引導的從句。例如: I would like to analyze the reasons why a growing number of teenagers are addicted to gambling.***我將分析為什麼越來越多的青少年沉迷於賭博的原因。***



  ***1***時間狀語從句e.g. When everyone is fully aware of the severity of fresh water scarcity and takes effective measures, I am convinced that we will tackle this problem constructively.***當每個人充分意識到淡水短缺的嚴重性,並採取有效措施,我相信我們一定能妥善解決好這個問題。***

  ***2***地點狀語從句e.g. Where there is smoke, there is fire.***無風不起浪***

  ***3***原因狀語從句e.g. Pets should be forbidden because they may spread diseases and damage the cityscape.***應該禁止飼養寵物,因為它們可能會傳播疾病和有損市容。***

  ***4***目的狀語從句e.g. Old people should be encouraged to live in a nursing house so that they can enjoy professional care and first-rate facilities. ***應當鼓勵老人到敬老院居住,這樣他們可以享受到專業的照料和一流的設施。***

  ***5***結果狀語從句e.g. Some government officials fail to recognize the potential hazards of improper waste disposal, so that the environment in some cities is deteriorating.***一些政府官員未能認識到垃圾處理不當帶來的潛在危害,因此一些城市的環境不斷惡化。***

  ***6***條件狀語從句e.g. If we continue to overlook the increasing waste in Guangzhou, it is likely that Guangzhou will become a huge landfill site sooner or later.***如果我們繼續無視廣州日益增多的垃圾,有可能不久的將來廣州將成為巨大的垃圾填埋場。***

  ***7***讓步狀語從句e.g. While I admit that smoking has some side-effects, I still feel that it is ridiculous to ban smoking in public places.***雖然我承認吸菸有副作用,我依然覺得公共場所禁菸是荒唐的。***

  ***8***比較狀語從句e.g. Red is two times as much as Blue.***紅色是藍色的兩倍。***

  ***9***方式狀語從句e.g. Just as we protect less able human beings, so we should safeguard the welfare of other weaker species.***正如我們保護弱者一樣,我們也應該保護弱勢物種的福利。***