In this fast-paced modern society, life can be sometimes very stressful. One may get overwhelmed by what's going on. There may be a feeling of helplessness and the world's spinning out of control. It's easy to lose hope. However, hope is something can be created with an optimistic state of mind. 在這個快節奏的現代社會中,生活有時很有壓力。有的人可能會對正發生的事感到不堪重負。可能會有無助和世界失控的感覺,很容易失去希望。然而,擁有樂觀的心境希望是可以創造的東西。 Optimism helps to increase hope for several reasons. To begin with, hope is something appears from our inside world. All of us have capacity to generate hope. This capacity is closely related to optimism. Optimism help us overcome fear, supporting us with great courage and confidence to overcome any difficulties. In return, it allows us to hold on to hope. Whatever we do or whatever is done to us, it is always constructive to adopt an optimistic attitude. As the saying goes, smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone. If you let yourself down, no one can pull you out and the situation could only go from bad to worse. But as long as you have an optimistic state of mind, you can have the situation under your control and therefore be more hopeful. Last but not least, God help those who help themselves. We should first be optimistic and hopeful can we help ourselves. And then you can get help from others. Once you get through the bad situation, hope will eventually be increased.
我有很多夢想。 我夢想自己有一間糖果房子。但不會因為我吃的太多而弄壞我的牙齒。我希望我有很多吃的 ,但是他們不能。所以我能幫助那些沒有的人,讓他們不再捱餓。我希望我有很多藥物。疾病的時候可以自己療好。這樣的話世界以後就沒有疾病。 I have many dream . I hope I have a candy house . But the candys can’t make my teeth Because I can eat many candys. Than I live in the sweet world . 我夢想自己有一間糖果房子。但不會因為我吃的太多而弄壞我的牙齒 I hope I have foods , but they can’t. Than I can help people . They will not hungry . 我希望我有很多吃的 ,但是他們不能。所以我能幫助那些沒有的人,讓他們不再捱餓。 I hope I have drug . Own sickness can make good . Then there is no sickness in the world . I hope there is not bad people in the world . 我希望我有很多藥物。疾病的時候可以自己療好。這樣的話世界以後就沒有疾病。 I hope the animal and plant can be friend with people on this world . And the people can’t confused fell the trees , can’t confused kill the animals . I hope that there isn’t discrimination everywhere . I hope we will have a nice and equal world. I hope there ist’t war in the world.
However hard the situation is, we shouldn't lose our heart, because we have our dreams. Our dreams are always glorious. We also have enthusiasm that will make our dreams come true. But we must have the willingness to work hard, since if we work hard, some miracles will happen. Nothing good will happen without our hard work. 不管情況多麼艱難,我們都不應該迷失自己,因為我們還有夢想。我們的夢想總是光榮的。我們也有能使我們夢想成真的熱情。但我們必須要有努力工作的意願,因為如果我們努力工作,會有奇蹟發生的。如果不如理工作就不會有好的事情發生。 What's more, when we are unhappy, we can think about our dreams, so that we will be more enthusiastic. When we are defeated, we should stand up and say," I'm not a failure." Please remember, “ Anything is possible to a man who has a strong determination.” 更重要的是,在我們不快心的時候,我們可以想一想我們的夢想,這樣我們就會更加充滿熱情。在我們失敗的時候,我們應該站起來說,“我不是一個失敗者”。請記住,“對於一個有決心的人一切皆有可能。”
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