The day was empty and empty. A new activity is about to begin.
We are in class two, grade five and six grade class a contestant to the specified location, only to hear a whistle, the players quickly spun rope, one arm shake continually, the rope like obedient rabbit in the air across a and a beautiful arc, at this moment, my heart tightly, as if also with the rope back and beating.
Look! Zhang was focused, emotionally stable, and looked ahead, knowing that he was the winner. Unfortunately, the rope was too short, and zhang da lei was so tall that he just jumped over 50 and beat the rooster in the battle. A stone in my heart was immediately lifted. At wang bo, the rope in his hand was as quick and light as a snake on the ground, and if he listened quietly, he seemed to hear a slight cry on the ground. Oh! She jumped a hundred and four and she was already flushed and sweaty. Oh, no! She was unwell and defeated. At this time, our class is only left to be more than one person, he really is worthy of our class of sports and health! My heart "thumping..." I couldn't wait to give him a hand. Then I saw that the teacher standing behind him had put out four fingers. It was a long time. It must be four hundred! I saw him, light as a swallow, a beautiful arc flying past his feet, the teacher's hand was increasing, my heart was much calmer. In this way, the wonderful performance was only a blink of an eye and the game was over.
Today's campus is a sea of joy; Today's campus is a boiling campus; Today we are the happy angels; Today's mood is happiness. On the campus, there is a festive atmosphere everywhere, and the students have passed a happy and memorable food festival with the well-organized teachers.
See, on the temporary operating table of desk of desk of desk, there is a lot of students busy figure: a time, the pot of dish of dish of dish of dish of dish of dish, shout the sound to become a piece. All kinds of food full of beautiful things in eyes: have delicious chicken wings, fruity watermelon, sweet and delicious grapes, cool and refreshing cucumber slices, and my fruit platter "small alarm clock" do good, oh. The students, with all the delicacies prepared by themselves, gleefully showed off their work to the students. I had more than 10 of my chicken wings in my group, and I was happy to see them enjoying my delicious food.
看,在課桌拼成的臨時操作檯上,到處有同學們忙碌的身影:一時間,鍋碗瓢盆聲,叫好聲響成一片。各種美食琳琅滿目:有香噴噴的雞翅膀、甜滋滋的西瓜、酸甜可口的葡萄、清涼爽口的黃瓜片、還有我的水果拼盤“小鬧鐘”做得有模有樣哦 。同學們都拿著自己精心準備的各種美食,興高采烈地向同學們炫耀著自己的勞動成果。我的10多個可樂雞翅被我們小組的同學們一搶而光,看著大家這麼喜歡我的美食,我心裡樂開了花。
In the sports section of the semester, all the students sign up for the competition. I'm also itching to sign up for the jump rope race.
On the day of the sports day, the first is sit-ups. Accompanied by chants appeared a team -- -- -- -- -- they are sit-ups "master", although they assumed a defiant appearance, actually they are "rookie". Our class easily won the championship. Then there was the running race, and the little bolt was ready. Although our class of running masters is the top of the class, there is a hill outside the mountain, there is a building outside the building. We had a better team than we did, and our class was almost completely wiped out. And then there was the long jump, because the project was the strength of our class, so we easily won the championship.
The jump rope race started, and I came in. The students all cheered me on, and I confidently went to the playing field with my classmates. With the teacher's password, I jumped up like a whirlwind, and the sound of the string echoed in my ears. I was way ahead in the beginning. After a while, I wanted to see how the students in the neighborhood jumped.
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