Let’s Help Adolescents 幫助青少年
Whether they are male or female, adolescents feel like deciding on everything themselves in spite of parents’ instruction, especially when they face problems like sex, mental stress, etc., which make them feelashamed and embarrassed. Thus they often automatically get into troubles due to their imperfect comprehension andjudgement. Some are addicted to cigarettes, only several packets of which will hurt their lungs and make thembreathless quickly. Others can’t quit drinking alcohol, whose harmful effects include causing young pregnant women toabort or give birth to abnormal babies. The worst is drug abuse, for the withdrawal is tough once their bodies are accustomed to the drugs. Meanwhile, those who share needles bought from illegal chemists are at great risk of being infected with desperate AIDS. If so, neither injecting nor taking pills can guarantee their survival.
However, don’t be disappointed at or have prejudice against our children so easily. After all, being awkward is anappendix of youth. As long as we strengthen communication with them instead of only banning this or banning that, we will surely help them avoid anything unfit.
What are you busy with yourself, Mother?” the girl of less than six years old asked her mother curiously.
“Making dinner for the neighbor’s aunt.”
“Because the other day the aunt lost her dear daughter and is so sad now. We must take good care of her these days.”
“Why need our care?’
“Because from then on the aunt cannot do what they liked to along with her daughter. She is very pitiful. In her distress, making dinners and doing chores are also becoming so difficult. My dear, can you help Mother hit an idea to help the aunt in other ways?”
At her mother’s proposal, the girl thought for a long while. All of a sudden, she went to the neighbor and knocked at the door.
The neighbor with a look of haggardness and tiredness opened the door.
“What can I do for you?” asked the neighbor.
“I heard my mother say you’re very distressed for losing your daughter…” The girl timidly handed the band-aid tightly held in her hand to the neighbor.
The neighbor suddenly choked with sobs, her tears gushing from her eyes. She hugged the girl and said, “Thank you. This band-aid will cure my wound.”
A Volcano Eruption火山爆發
As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database aboutdiverse natural disasters, such as hurricanes, typhoons or thunderstorms. Sometimes I did this by giving outquestionnaires to those who went through them. But sometimes I had to go through actual disasters myself. The MusakiVolcano was one of them.
At that time, I lived in a bungalow alongside the volcano with a novelist, who came for the appreciation of itseruption. One day, when I was drawing diagrams on the balcony and he was bathing inside, the volcano erupted unexpectedly. The ash and lava fountains shooting highly in the sky varied from 50 to 100 meters in height. It wasabsolutely fantastic! I even noticed a rainbow appear in the fog caused by a heat wave.
But, glancing through our surroundings, I foresaw the potential danger and found no guarantee of our safety. Theuncomfortable gas almost made us unconscious. Sweats of anxiety began to drop. Managing to stop panicking andtrembling, we quickly put on our protective suits, helmets and boots and eventually made our way to a safe place. How lucky we were even though my precious equipment and documents were all burnt to the ground!
Happy Marriage Needs Fighting For 幸福的婚姻需要爭取
As a talented navy officer, he was bound to be busy. When his wife rang him up to declare her divorce alarm, he was still scanning a digital counter to check the data so as to give an assessment of the theoretical framework for a biochemical weapon. His junior staff’s sympathy made him feel embarrassed.
His wife was a part-time clerk. With his high bonus, she lived in a grand house with elegant cushions and bedding. Her favour was reading stars’ biographies or absurd fictions with endless chapters in her armchair. People envied her leisure life very much. But in fact, she was tired of being left alone. She sent emails to his mailbox every week to state her thinking and ask for his accompaniment, but never received reply of satisfaction. Tired of his explanation that he must obey the orders, she filed for divorce.
Because he desired to get their holy affection back, he set other affairs aside. He trimmed his fingernails short and changed hisoverweight figure as well as his awful haircut. He wore an apron to prepare delicious cuisine for her. He also bought her a necklace andpiles of flowers hoping that their receiver could turn around.
After being tested out for 3 months in all, he eventually succeeded.
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