Every year a lot of people got injured or died in traffic accidents. It is reported that many accidents resulted from people’s breaking of traffic rules. So it is necessary for all to keep the traffic rules in mind and obey them strictly.
When one crosses the street, one should take the crosswalk, underground passage or pedestrian overpass. If one is riding a bike or motorcycle, keep riding on the right side of the road. When the red light is on, please stop and wait until the green light is on. Give a hand signal if one wants to turn or stop. It is important to let the children know that playing on the road is very dangerous. Helping the aged and children cross the road is always a kind deed.If everyone obeys the traffic rules, it will be much safer to walk or ride on the road.
Recently we did a survey on the diets of middle school students. We were surprised to find thatmany students don't seem to be at all concemed about the effect that unhealthy food can have on theirhealth. They like snacks and street food has become the favorite snack of many students. Also, they eatfood simply because it tastes good and don't pay any attention to its storage life. What's more, somestudents go to school without having breakfast, and lack even basic knowledge about food safety.
Middle school is an important time of growth for students. They should form the habit of eating ahealthy diet and should have three well-balanced meals a day. In addition, a basic knowledge of foodsafety is essential, which means that students should be aware of the date of production and thenutritional value of snack food before they eat it.
In conclusion, the survey indicates that students should improve their awareness of nutrition andfood safety.
Safety has become the focus to us all. How to be safe at school is especially important to us students.
Safety has become the focus to us all. How to be safe at school is especially important to us students. First, we should take care not to get ourselves injured while we are having sports. Second, there are too many students at school, and our hallways are too narrow. So don’t crowd with each other especially when we go upstairs or downstairs. Or there may be an accident. Besides, we should be friendly and get on well with others, don’t quarrel or even fight. Last but not least, we should be careful to eat healthy food and keep away from junk food, which is harmful to our health.
In a word, it’s important to remember these for us all.
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