

  今天小編要與大家分享的是:小學生作文範文600字: ;內容僅供閱讀參考,希望對大家有所幫助;






  a happy day

  Today is May Day, aunt and my mother made an appointment with my brother, my brother went to Wuhu special park to play, you can put a few of our happy little guy bad, eat breakfast later, we happily start it!

  Access to the attractions, drawing huge crowds everywhere tourists, playing what games should line up, and a lot of games have height restrictions, and does not reach 1.4 meters will not be able to play, I heard the news, my brother and I were so disappointed, there is a scenic area The uncle said, you do not be sad, you can go to children's kingdom and conch Bay to play this game! I heard the news, my mother and aunt took us quickly to line up in the kingdom of children sitting on the carousel, listening to good music, turn ah turn, as if me and my brother to the fairy tale world, to see my brother sit so happy, my mother kept us pictures. Then we look at the Conch Wanli 4D movie, the staff sent us to bring glasses, amazing, sea fish, crabs and shrimp are coming to swim around us ......

  On the way back, my mother in the car, I look at today's photos, a picture of all our happy memories, I am looking forward to next time to play.