Autumn Wind Blows Off A Lamp's Light
A poem by JingQin /Tr. by Lily
He's never cried
And already let the dark night
Slip off a paper white
For many times
The autumn wind instantly blows off
The light of a lamp
While my heart is still barren
And lit with a shame
By the name of faintness
From those verses
The souls of the dead
I Fear True Love More Than Betrayal
by Dianqiu Gujiu
I fear betrayal yet I more fear true love
betrayal is just a knife that can kill a pig
and at most can only cut one of my arms
I fear betrayal yet I more fear true love
for true love is a trap that can trap a beast
and can still trap everything of my life
The Schoolfellow
Our game was his but yesteryear;
We wished him back; we could not know
The self-same hour we missed him here
He led the line that broke the foe.
Blood-red behind our guarded posts
Sank as of old and dying day;
The battle ceased; the mingled hosts
Weary and cheery went their way:
"To-morrow well may bring," we said,
"As fair a fight, as clear a sun."
Dear Lad, before the world was sped,
For evermore thy goal was won.
Ezra Pound - The Plunge
I would bathe myself in strangeness:
These comforts heaped upon me, smother me!
I burn, I scald so for the new,
New friends, new faces,
Oh to be out of this,
This that is all I wanted
- save the new.
And you,
Love, you the much, the more desired!
Do I not loathe all walls, streets, stones,
All mire, mist, all fog,
All ways of traffic?
You, I wold have flow over me like water,
Oh, but far out of this!
Grass, and low fields, and hills,
And sun,
Oh, sun enough!
Out, and alone, among some
Alien people!
Ezra Pound - The Seeing Eye
The small dogs look at the big dogs;
They observe unwieldy dimensions
And curious imperfections of odor.
Here is the formal male group:
The young men look upon their seniors,
They consider the elderly mind
And observe its inexplicable correlations.
Said Tsin-Tsu:
It is only in small dogs and the young
That we find minute observation
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