From a wine pot amidst the flowers,
I drink alone without partners.
To invite the moon I raise my cup.
We're three, as my shadow shows up.
Alas, the moon doesn't drink.
My shadow follows but doesn't think.
Still for now I have these friends,
To cheer me up until the spring ends.
I sing; the moon wanders.
I dance; the shadow scatters.
Awake, together we have fun.
Drunk, separately we're gone.
Let's be boon companions forever,
Pledging, in heaven, we'll be together.
Thoughts in the Silent Night
Beside my bed a pool of light--
It's frost falling in the night?
I lift my eyes and see the moon,
then bow my head and think of home.
As the bright moon shines over the sea,
From far away you share this moment with me.
For parted lovers lonely nights are the worst to be.
All night long I think of no one but thee.
To enjoy the moon I blow out the candle stick.
Please put on your nightgown for the dew is thick.
I try to offer you the moonlight so hard to pick,
Hoping a reunion in my dream will come quick.
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