dear laura,
i was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turn edour living room into a garden. how considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. you just couldnt have selected anything i had have liked more! you have a positive genius for selecting the right gift! the four years i spent with you at the college have been the pleasa ntest period in my life. i will cherish this memory forever. how nice it would be to see you again.you have been more than kind, and i wont ever forget it. my love and deepest
gratitude, now and always!
dear dan and laura, jim and i want to thank you for the beautiful salad bowl set. we are looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift. thanks again for the lovely gift. fondly,
dear mrs. gorden,
id like you to know how much the week at your lovely house meant to me. i not
only enjoyed myself immensely, but also i felt relaxed a nd refreshed as i havent felt for months. please give my love to helen. it was so nice being with her again just like our
old days together at school. many thanks to you and mr. gordon for asking me. sincerely yours,
jean brown
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