



  Thank you for your offer.

  無論你的決定如何並且你的福利情況如何,確定你表示你的感謝。你可以通過這樣的短語表示,"I appreciate your consideration"及 "I am honored1 that you have selected me."



  Based on my current salary...

  給出一個你期待更多薪水的理由。可能是以你現有薪水為基礎的,其他的工作機會或是你最近了解到有關你從事領域的基本薪資調查等。用這樣的句子結束,"I had something a little higher in mind"或是"I was expecting something within the 5 to 7,000 range."

  Can I let you know my final decision on Monday?

  僱傭你的經理當然會給你一些壓力,特別是當他們真的非常需要你的時候,但是不要馬上就決定。請求幾天的餘地來考慮一下你的決定。你可以加上,I'm very interested in your company, but this will give me some time to make a more informed decision.

  I'll take it!

  當需要最後的決定時,這是一個非常有趣而且友善的方式來接受工作。如果你腦海中還有更正式的表達的方式,就可以說,"I'd like to formally accept your offer."但是,如果你並不想接受這份工作的話,就可以說"After much consideration, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept your offer."注意一定要給出正確的回答,並一定要禮貌!


  airway bill of lading 空運提單

  air freight 空運

  alongside delivery 船邊交貨

  bill of lading 海運提單,提單

  bulk 散裝;正貨

  cargo in bulk 散裝貨

  carrier 運送人 ,運輸業者

  carrying vessel 運貨船隻

  cartage 搬運費

  change of sailing 變更船期

  charter-party 租船契約

  charter plane ship 租機船

  charterer 租船機人

  claim indemnity 索賠

  clearance of goods 報關

  clearance B/L 運費後付提單

  combined transport bill of lading 聯合貨運提單

  conference rates 公會費率

  consignee 收貨人

  consigner 發貨人

  container 集裝箱,貨櫃

  customs clearance fee 報關費

  customshouse 海關

  customhouse broker 報關行

  date of completion of discharge 卸訖日期

  delayed shipment 裝船延期

  delivered weight 卸貨時的重量

  delivery ex-warehouse 倉庫交貨

  delivery order 提貨單

  delivery point 交貨地點

  destination port 目的地港口

  deviation from voyage route 改變航線

  different shipment 裝船差異

  discharge of goods 卸貨

  dock receipt 收貨單

  documents against payment 付款交單,付款後交付貨物

  dual rate system 雙重運費制度

  entrepot 中轉港

  ex-bonded warehouse 關倉交貨

  export license permit 出口許可證

  exporting vessel 出口船隻

  ex-ship wharf 船上碼頭交貨

  free port 自由港

  freight space 艙位

  full container load 集裝箱整裝或整交

  gross landed weight hatch 卸貨毛重

  hatch 船艙

  delivery point 交貨地點

  destination port 目的地港口

  deviation from voyage route 改變航線

  different shipment 裝船差異

  discharge of goods 卸貨

  dock receipt 收貨單

  documents against payment 付款交單,付款後交付貨物

  dual rate system 雙重運費制度

  entrepot 中轉港

  ex-bonded warehouse 關倉交貨

  export license permit 出口許可證

  exporting vessel 出口船隻

  ex-ship wharf 船上碼頭交貨

  free port 自由港

  freight space 艙位

  full container load 集裝箱整裝或整交

  gross landed weight hatch 卸貨毛重

  hatch 船艙