Clean Train
Every time when I go home by train, I feel very uncomfortable, because I have to smell the terrible air, people always smoke, making the public place smell bad. Since the motor train operates, I feel so happy, I find the train is very clean, the air smells good, no people smoke in the train. I feel so surprised, this is the ideal environment for me, in the long journey, all the people are so polite. Smoking in the public place should be banned, the bad smell not only makes people sick, but also does harm to their health. In the long journey, people need to keep a good environment, so they have a good mood.
Be a Happy Girl
For every girl, they dream to be a princess, just like the one in the fairy tale. So they loss their weight, for the purpose of looking perfect and thinner like the princess. I have witnessed so many girls around me try hard to control their weight, in fact, they are not fat, but they just want to be thinner and thinner. They refuse to the delicious food, worrying about their body shapes all the time. I would rather choose to be a normal girl, do what I want to do and eat what I like to eat, no more burden about the outlook. Being happy is the most important, it makes my life meaningful.
The New Year
The year of 2014 has gone, the new year has come, I make many wishes in this year. First, I wish I can grow up quickly, so I can do many things. Second, I want to make progress in my study, giving myself confidence. Third, I plan to make a travel with my family, my parents are busy last year, so I want them to relax this year.
Flying Kites
Now I am in winter holiday, I am so happy, I can have fun with my friends. My friends and I make the deal that when the wind comes, we will go to the park and fly kites. Today the wind finally comes, after finishing breakfast, I go the park with my friends. We take out our kites, mine are butterfly, my friends are birds, all are so funny. I start to let my kite fly, but it could not, so I run faster and faster, then my kite flies, I go let go it gradually. A few minutes later, my friends’ kites are also flying. Seeing our kites flying, I feel so free. Today, I have a great time.
Lagging Behind Doesn’t Mean Lose
When I was very small, I like to read the books with pictures, because I did not know the words. One day, I saw the interesting pictures in the book, I saw the turtle and the rabbit, but I did not know what it said, so I asked my mom. She told me that the turtle and the rabbit were racing, I said there was no doubt that the rabbit would win, but my mom smiled and said the turtle won at last because the rabbit was so confident and slept for a while and missed the time. I was shocked, I learned that lagging behind doesn’t mean lose, if we insist, we will have the chance to win.
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