The First Time to Make Dumplings
I am good at study, I can always get the high mark in the exam, so I am very confident that I can do all the things well, but the experience of making dumplings changes my idea. It was on winter holiday, my mother asked me to make dumplings with her, I said it was so easy for me. My mother showed me how to make it and then let me follow her, I did as she showed me, but I found my dumplings could not cover well, I tried another one, still the same. I was curious, I did the same thing with my mother, but I failed in the result. My mother smiled and said practice made perfect.
The Advantages of Travel Alone
I like to travel to different places, I can see the beautiful scenery and get to know the different cultures. My friends and I always travel together, we make many plans in advance. But the plans will always be interrupted by all kinds of unexpected incidents, like the bad weather, the holiday being cancelled, so we have to spend another time to wait for the trip. Traveling alone can ignore these problems, I can go to travel whenever I want, I just need to pick up my backpack, and then buy the ticket. It is so free, I don’t have to wait for others, I can go to the places I want to. Traveling alone is good.
The Buffet
I like to eat buffet so much, because I can taste so many food at the same time. There are all kinds of fruits, meat and ice cream, I like them all, so I have great motivation to eat buffet. Every time I eat buffet, I will eat as more as possible, because I think I have paid the money, I want to let the food deserve the money I pay. My stomach always gets too much food, I overeat the food and hurts my stomach. Now I pay much attention to enjoy the food, I will tell myself not to eat so much full, the money I pay is to enjoy the food instead of hurting my stomach.
Self-help Traveling
Today, as our economy develops fast, people live a much better life than before, they start to pay attention the chase fun. When people have holiday, they will choose to travel, most people will give money to the organization, while some people choose to self-help traveling. Self-help traveling can save a lot of money, people can save the money which is given to the tour guide. What’s more, self-help traveling can bring people a lot of fun. People can visit the site as long as they want, sometimes they can find the interesting things in the small place. While the tour guide will always take people to the commercial place. Self-help traveling is becoming more and more popular now.
The Asian Game
About four days ago, the Asian Game was open, this time, it is held in Korea. The Asian Game is held once four years, it is a big game for the Asian coutries. The best athletes from different countries fight for the honor, they also want to prove themselves that they are the best players in Asia. I am a big fan of the sport game, I like to see swimming, tennis match and basketball. Especially the swimming, all the players swim like the fish, so fast and so excited. The Asian game is such a big game that it attracts so many people’s attention, I believe our country will play well and win great honor.
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