1. 直到回到家她才發現把自行車鑰匙忘在了辦公室裡了。(not …until)
2. 眾所周知, 計算機在我們的日常生活和工作中起著重要的作用。 play
3. 眾所周知,成功屬於那些勤奮工作的人。(It )
4. 我們發現很難趕上科技領域的迅速發展。find it
5. 我發現很難與那些一貫固執己見的人合作。 (find it)
6. 給我印象最深的是她的微笑。impress
7. 只有到了那時,湯姆才承認自己的錯誤。Only
8. 正是懷特先生負責這個專案。 it is … who
9. 在電腦的幫助下,解這道題只需花你幾秒鐘的時間。(take)
10. 毫無疑問實行“五一”、“十一”長假有許多明顯的優點。(there is no doubt…)
11. 你熟悉的詞越多,你越會發現比較容易理解一篇文章的內容和意義。(the more…)
12. 他們答應無論發生什麼,他們都會完成這項艱鉅的任務。whatever
13. 我從來沒想到你能幹這種事。occur
14. 他們成功的原因在於他們能從錯誤中學到很多。 the reason for
15. 他體質差的原因是他不太注意飲食和休息。 the reason 她沒有參加昨晚的聚會是因為沒有人告訴她。 (why)
16. 快點,要不然我們就要錯過火車了。 or
17. 跟她解釋這事沒用.,因為她太年輕,理解不了。 (no use )
18. 他一登上飛機就發現他的手錶不見了。 No sooner…
19. 那些不會操作電腦或不會講英語的人是不能得到這份工作的。 those
20. 他開始做他的功課已兩個小時了,可到現在還沒完成他的所有作業。since, so far
21. 無論計算機如何普及,有些工作必須有人來做。 no matter how
22. 飛機飛得越高,我們越看不清楚。 the more
1. She didn’t find she had left the key to the bicycle in her office until she went back
2. It’s well known that the computer plays an important part in our daily life and work. 3. It is well known that success belongs to those who are hardworking.
4. We find/found it difficult to keep up with the rapid development in the field of science
and technology.
5. I find it is hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinion.
6. What impressed me most was her smile.
7. Only then did Tom admit that he was wrong.. 8. It is Mr White who is responsible for this project.
9. It will take only a few seconds for you to solve this problem with the help of a
10. There is no doubt that there are many obvious advantages to have week long holidays on May Day and National Day.
11. The more words you are familiar with, the easier you will find it to learn the content and meaning of an article.
12. They promise that whatever has happened, they will finish this difficult task. 13. It never occurred to me that you could do such a thing.
14. The reason for their success is that they can learn a lot from their mistakes
15. The reason for his poor health was that he didn’t pay enough attention to his diet and rest.
16. The reason why she didn’t attend the party last night was that nobody had told her
about it.
17. Hurry up, or we will miss the train.
18. It’s no use explaining this matter to her, for she is too young to understand it. 19. No sooner had he boarded the plane than he found his watch missing.
20. Those who can’t operate the compute or speak English are not able to obtain / get this
21. It is two hours since he started to do his homework, but so far he hasn’t finished all the
homework yet.
22. No matter how popular computers are, some work must be done by men..
23. The higher the plane flies, the less clearly we can see.
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