Mike: OMG, you won’t believe it. The biggest lottery ever in the history hasn't been claimed.
Cathy: That can’t be true. Is he losing his mind? Or maybe he is too scared.
Mike: You got me. Seriously, what would you do if you woke up one day with 100 million dollars in your bank account?
誰知道啊! 說真的,若有一天你一睜眼發現自己戶頭裡有1億美金,你會做什麼?
Cathy: I would be essentially debt free. I would pay off the mortgage loan. Afterwards, I would buy a castle and twenty maids. I would be the queen of my Cathy castle and the pesting boss would be my guard man.
Mike: Chicks! Is this it? You gals are hopeless.
Cathy: Shut up! What would you do, Saint Mike? What? The cat's got your tongue?
閉嘴! 麥克聖人. 怎麼了不說話了?
Mike: Your Highness, I was just thinking. Clearing his throat I would buy 100 million stars and sell them at the price of 2 $ each.
陛下,我剛剛在思考.清嗓音 我會買一億顆星星,然後以每顆兩美金的價格銷售出去.
Cathy: And that would make me the owner of the other 100 million bucks.
Mike: Nice try! I don’t want to hurt you, but when I had that much money, I would make you my maid.
Cathy: Ouch! That does hurt. Take that back, otherwise, you will be sorry for that.
Cathy: Isn’t that cute? I would not like to have even a little bite.
Mike: Trust me! You will if you dumped a terrible man. It’s a divorce cake for God's sake.
相信我. 如果你甩了一個很差勁的男人,你會的.這可是離婚蛋糕啊.
Cathy: Really? I only heard about wedding cakes.
真的? 我只聽說過結婚蛋糕.
Mike: So there should be divorce cakes. People tend to celebrate weddings. I think it’s time for giving best wishes for divorcing.
Cathy: You just stole my words. People can mark it in a big and tasty way.
Mike: Why not? Being single again means I am available for another better relationship.
為什麼不呢? 恢復單身意味著我又可以來一段更好的戀情了.
Cathy: Are you still disturbing yourself about Jake?
Mike: No. I am over him. He doesn’t even deserve a divorce cake. I would make a dumping husband cake by myself. I can’t kill him in life. But I can make him the ugliest on the cake.
不.我們已經結束了.他根本不配離婚蛋糕.我會自己做一個 “甩夫” 蛋糕.我不能在現實生活中殺了他,但是我可以把蛋糕上的他做的很醜.
Cathy: You are evil! You know what? You do have a talent. We should start a special bakery for heartborken people.
你真的很壞! 知道不?你真的很有天賦啊.我們應該為那些心碎的人開一個特別的烘焙店.
Mike: Good idea. I prefer greenback to men now.
好主意. 我現在更喜歡綠色的東西:美金
Cathy: What would you like to eat tonight? Aren’t you supposed to pay for my dinner this time?
晚上想吃什麼? 該是你請我吃了吧.
Mike: What about pig brain soup?
Cathy: Gross! Why people like eating that kind of disgusting food? I am not a brave eater.
Mike: It’s nothing compared with ants and scorpions.
Cathy: Stop it. You are making me want to puke. Where did you get these nasty, awful foods?
Mike: They are not. They are very nutritious actually. And they are getting overwhelmingly popular in Singapore.
Cathy: Don’t ever try to talk me into that kind of food.
Mike: Never jump to a conclusion. People say you need to be brave to eat brains of sheep and pigs, but I’d say you need to be sick to eat balut?
別這麼早就下結論嘛! 有人說吃豬腦,羊腦需要勇氣.我說你要足夠變態,才可以吃活珠子.
Cathy: I have no clue about it and I don’t want to know. You are ruining my appetite. I get to go to the lady’s room.
Mike: Just a second. It’s technically an embryo with an egg shell. It is hairy and … Where is the man’s room, please?
等下.那個其實就是帶著蛋殼的胚胎. 它還有毛,而且.. 請問男洗手間在哪裡?
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