A: How are things with you?
B: Not too bad. How about yourself?
A: Not bad.
B: I'm glad to hear that.
A: Have you been going to PCC long?
B: I've only been here two years. How about yourself?
A: I just started this year.
B: Do you like it?
A: It's fine for right now.
B: You do not like it, right?
A: Once I'm finished with my GE, it should get better.
B: I felt the same way my first year.
A: I would like to register for a class today.
B: No problem, what class would you like to take?
A: I would very much enjoy taking a Psychology class.
B: There are two classes that are still open.
A: Which days are these classes on?
B: The first class is a Tuesday and Thursday class from two to three.
A: What about the other class?
B: The other class is on Monday and Wednesday from 10:00am-12:00pm.
A: Are you sure there are no more open classes?
B: I'm positive.
A: Sign me up for Monday and Wednesday.
B: Okay, I'll sign you up.
A: How do I buy my textbooks?
B: Do you have your book list for your class?
A: Yes, I have my list.
B: Fine. Once you have it, you can go to the bookstore. Do you know where that is?
A: Yes, I know where the bookstore is.
B: OK, so once you pass the gym, it's the first door on your left. Do you know you can also sell your used textbooks there?
A: No, I didn't know I could do that.
B: You just take them with you and trade them with the used textbook man just outside the door. Do you think you will be doing that today?
A: Yes, I am going today.
B: Well, if you decide to go, I could meet you over there at 1:00 today or tomorrow to help you. Would that work for you?
A: Yes, thank you. That would be great.
B: Well, then, I'll talk to you later. Have a good day!
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