One day, an active lawyer to consult study lvzong Zen wisdom sea pearl jackson. He said: "the Sea Hui Zen monk, do you have a secret secret order?"
The master replied: "the Sea Hui ah! Everyone has his own secret lines."
Active lawyer then asked: "how do you secretly work?"
The Sea Hui Zen master said: "eat when hungry, the body sleepy when you sleep."
Active lawyers can not help but wonder: "but, the average person's life, not every day to eat and sleep, don't they and the Zen master your secret line the same?""
The Sea Hui Jackson shook his head and said: not to regard it as right, "different, different."
"What's the difference?"" Active lawyers ask.
The Sea Hui master smiled: "most people eat too picky, pick fat thin. See the good can not help but see the greedy; not tasty have anger do not eat. The sleep, sleep is much, much thought make blind and disorderly conjectures, regardless of."
Although it is eat, sleep, such a simple thing, but how many people can comfortably suit to eat, at ease to go to bed? Some people shibuzhiwei, some people can not sleep at ease, so how can life do other things well?
For the people who learn meditation, the mind is very important. When having a meal, the meal is full; when sleeping, sleep well, this is the best practice. Every day to do the work done with proper method to treat people, don't to others, to society leave guilt is the best Zen life.
1名詞所有格一般是詞尾加′s構成,如:the boy’s bag;our teacher’s room等。如果原詞已經有複數詞尾-s,則僅僅加一個′即可,如boys′ school等。詞尾無s的複數名詞則仍要加′s,如:men’s clothes等。
2表示無生命東西的名詞的所有格不可用詞尾加′s或′,而是用of 屬格,如:the window of the room等。但在表示時間、距離以及其他習慣用語中,則需用′s或′表示所有格,如:ten minutes′ walk等。
如:We visited Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang's room. 我們參觀了小李和小張的房間。
物主代詞不可與 a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, several, no, each, every, such,
another, which等詞一起修飾一個名詞,而必須用雙重所有格。
公式為:a, an, this, that +名詞+of +名詞性物主代詞。
如:a friend of mine 我朋友中的一個
each brother of his 他的每個哥哥
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