用英語說中國茶文化:The History Of Tea茶的歷史
Tea is native to China,and Chinese tea culture has a long history.
Originally tea was used as a medicine instead of a drink. It was said that Shennong,the legendary ruler in ancient China,once tasted a lot of plants and was poisoned many times. It was tea that helped him get rid of the poisoning effect. Later the ancient Chinese got to know more and more about tea,and instead of being regarded as a medicine, it became a drink.
Tea not only quenches one's thirst, but also helps reduce one's intemal heat.
用英語說中國茶文化:Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶
Jasmine tea is made from jasmine flowers and is the most popular among scented tea.
The most well-known jasmine flower tea is produced in Fujian Province.
In making jasmine tea,first pick a lot of jasmine flower buds and put them in a clean place; then at midnight when the flowers have the strongest fragrance, add green tea to them for absorption;next,get rid of the withered jasmine flowers and get the tea leaves baked ; then put the baked tea leaves into newly picked jasmin flowers again. This is repeated several times before the tea leaves are ready to be used.
用英語說中國茶文化:Longjing tea 龍井茶
Longjing tea is from longjing,West Lake, Hangzhou. It is a top-grade green tea.
It is recorded that tea was produced in longjing in the Tang Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty longjing tea was the favourite one of Emperor Qianlong.
It is made of tea shoot. They are green,fragrant, sweet and beautiful-four unique characteristics of Longjing tea.
In the past there were mainly four brands of longjing tea:“shi,”“long,”“yun,”and“hu". They were the four brands of Longjing tea produced in Shifeng, Longjing,Yunqi and Hupao respectively.
Now they are classified into three brands: "shi,”“long,”and“mei.”“Mei" is the Longjing tea produced in Meijiaawu.
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