用英語說中國春秋戰國:Confucianism in the Pre-Qin Period 先秦的儒家思想
The Confucian School was founded by Confucius in the Pre-Qin Period, which was later developed by Mencius and Xun Zi, and became one of the most influential schools of thought of the time.
The greatest advantage of Confucian studies lies in its reliance on traditional Chinese culture represented by The Five Classics, thus manifesting the characteristics of “classical culture".
The Five Classics were the yeast of the thoughts of the Confucian School, which centered upon their explanation and interpretation, changing and renewing its theories with the times.
Another characteristic feature of Confucianism is its keen understanding of the nature of the patriarchal society in ancient China, and the defense of this patriarchal culture then. That is why Confucianism has become a theoretical system which best reflects.
用英語說中國春秋戰國:Taoism in the Per-Qin Period 先秦的道家思想
Taoism, also known as Daoism, was founded by Lao Zi in the Pre-Qin Period, and developed into many schools, the most important of which were represented by Zhuang Zi and Huang-Lao short for Huangdi and Lao Zi respectively.
Guo Moruo 1892—1978, a famous historian, pointed out in his book Ten Criticisms that all Taoist schools regarded Too or Dao, meaning “ The Way”, as the noumenon of the cosmos.
This means Taoism comes from the word dao, and the thoughts on dao constitute the core of the Taoist philosophy.
Tao, which refers to the integration of the noumenon and rules of the cosmos, is characterized by its deep abstraction and universal significance.
Because of all this, Taoism is a doctrine, dwelling on the past and the present, covering Heaven and Man, and renowned for its tolerance and plasticity.
As a result, more and more schools came into existence, which became an important source of ancient Chinese thinking.
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