篇1:Proposals to Alleviate Poverty in Remote Areas in China
The achievement of progress, prosperity and development for all the people in the world is a theme raised by UN. Alleviating poverty has been one of our government’s top priorities for the past decades. And poverty in remote areas in China is virtually a great obstacle for the Chinese to get common progress; thus, it is urgent for us to help the people there to shake off poverty the
sooner the better. For this aim, the government has already sent technicians and experts to poverty-stricken areas to help boost local agricultural production and teach the locals new techniques. The Ministry of Labour has also trained many rural labourers through different programs. But all these are not enough. Several other ways out have been proposed as follows.
First of all, the government should encourage a small part of the people in the remote areas to get wealthy ahead of others by equipping them with relevant funds and agricultural technology. These “better-offs” can not only set a good example but also give confidence to the poorer in their efforts to get rid of poverty. When all the people get rich, the general level of living standard can be greatly improved. And with their living standard improved, they can attach greater importance to environmental protection and are willing to input considerable amount of money to educate their children. Only in this way is a sustainable development guaranteed.
Secondly, we must call upon people in all walks of life throughout the country, especially those citizens of affluence in coastal areas to help those struggling below poverty line in poor remote regions out. We must realize that only after all Chinese people live a comfortable life can we be peacefully enjoying material prosperity in life. Helps can come in various forms----donating money to the poor family and books to school drop-outs, college graduates volunteering to work in the most needed regions, bringing knowledge to them, etc.
The last but not the least, the government should raise the rate of tax levied on those very rich. This can shorten the gap between the poor and the rich as well as benefit the country’s revenues whose better part is in turn allocated to the poor remote areas.
Admittedly, it is never easy to cast off the shadow of poverty in the remote areas completely in short run. But everyone of us should go all out to help those in poverty, we are confident that our country will be more powerful and prosperous in the process of alleviating poverty.
篇2: Living Together Is Not Wise
There is a tendency among college students that a young boy and a young girl rent a house off campus and live together before being formally married. According to an official census, during the years between 2000 and 2003, the number of college students living together in Beijing alone has almost increased five times. While parents and teachers show deep concern and worries about it, a questionnaire suggests that a considerable number of students themselves don’t strongly object to it. Despite their attitude, I, as a college student myself, don’t think it healthy for college students to live together because it not only has caused some safety problems but also contributed to the moral corruption of our society.
It is true that living together can help one to relieve loneliness and pressure experienced by college students, especially for the students whose families are far away from colleges. But is it wise to use the way of 1iving together to achieve the aim when other effective ways remain open to us? Living together, an informal way of married life, is one of few things vital to one’s lifetime
happiness. We can’t afford to try again and again like other things.
One may argue that these student couples mean to be serious and plan to get married after graduation. By testing their relationship, they can avoid problems after marriage. I don’t think this argument holds water. Just opposite. Living together can actual1y spoil a good relation between two people who intend to marry eventually, for it, most often than not, can develop into weakness rather than strength, doubt rather than trust. A follow-up study shows that few premarital couples living together end in marriage.
It must be pointed out that college boys and girls live together not so much because of their desire to relieve loneliness as of the influence of movies with a lots of sex in them. In this respect, to have a sound judgment and a correct moral attitude is very important.
篇3:Can Men Wear Makeup
Two handsome young Korean men walk past each other in the sunlight. Their shoulders lightly brush, and they turn their heads for a closer inspection. “Wow, he's got great skin,” murmurs one, while the other casually informs him, “It's just that I've changed skin lotion.” The scene is from a television advertisement hawking what is called a “color lotion for men.” Actually, it's a liquid foundation designed, as the ad says, to "cover the imperfections." Now adequate evidence indicates that more and more men wear make-up, especially in parts of Asia, with South Korea in the leading place. Its popularity, it seems to us, is inevitably natural seen from several aspects.
First of all, some people believe that one’s skin weighs heavily when it comes to be interviewed for a job. During the interview, the first impression is so critical that it may decide whether a job applicant can get the opening or not, and thus determine his lifelong happiness. To become a successful salesperson, one must be attractive to the customers. A slight touch-up of one’s appearance increases men’s marketability in the intense competitive society. This is particularly true to those without a good looking. Furthermore, in our society, men don’t want to look shabby when they grow older. Although the elderly are supposed to be respected, men now find that they need to appear younger in this highly competitive world. This is because everyone concedes that a smooth face without wrinkles, a head of black, shiny hair, rosy cheeks----all these are associated with vigor and vitality. Another important factor for men’s wearing cosmetics is that the industry is always a highly profitable and rich one. The manufacturers have been dreaming of opening up this sector which has exclusively belonged to women for long.
However, other people are worried about and frown on the idea. Their dissatisfaction can be justified. For many centuries, our deeply-rooted culture stipulates men to be masculine. Powdering, applying lotion and lipsticks, trimming eyebrows, and so on, are all girly stuff. Female is always regarded as a secondary gender, less important and more vulnerable in family, society and politics. Almost no man wants to become the weak sex in the society, except lunatics or freaks. Besides, effeminate men may be mistaken as homosexual gay, which is against human nature and in some parts of the world is regarded as immoral.
So the barrier for men wearing cosmetics seems to originate from our tradition. But this iceberg is beginning to thaw. Now the hair dye is widely accepted, and more and more young people are the pioneers of using make-up, dressing in skirts, wearing long hair. We have every reason to believe that once the psychological barrier is broken through, men’s cosmetics may be well on the way to being popular.
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