Shirley: Hello, 85203882.
Maria: Hi, this is Maria. Is that Shirley?
Shirley: Hi, Maria, this is Shirley.
Maria: Shirley, do you know today's homework from our economic law class? I have written it on a piece of paper but I can't find it now.
Shirley: Hold on for a moment please. I'm fetching my textbook.
Maria: OK.
Shirley: Oh, the homework is to explain what “economic law” is both in broad sense and in narrow sense.
Maria: Explain the economic law? An essay question again?
Shirley: Yes. You can use your textbook for your reference.
Maria: Are there any clear answers in the book to this question? 英語之家
Shirley: I don't think so, Maria, but I think you can look for information on the Internet.
Maria: OK, thank you, Shirley. You are very helpful. I have another question. When does the “Economic Law of China” come into effect?
Shirley: Oh, there isn't such a code called “economic law”. The Economic Law of China is a general concept for several laws.
Maria: There isn't such a code? 英語之家
Shirley: Yes, it's a general name for several laws related to economics, like Commercial Law, and Law of Central Bank.
Maria: Got it. Thank you, Shirley.
雪莉: 你好,85203882。 英語之家
瑪麗亞: 你好,我是瑪麗亞。你是雪莉嗎?
雪莉: 你好,瑪麗亞,我是雪莉。
瑪麗亞: 你曉得今天經濟法的家庭功課嗎?我寫到一張紙上了,然而當初找不到了。
雪莉: 稍等。我去拿我的課本。
瑪麗亞: 好的。
雪莉: 家庭作業是從狹義跟狹義兩方面去說明經濟法。
瑪麗亞: 闡明經濟法?又是作文題?
雪莉: 是的,你可能參考課本。 英語之家
瑪麗亞: 書上有對這個問題的具體答案嗎?
雪莉: 我覺得不,瑪麗亞,然而我想你能夠從網上收集一些資訊。
瑪麗亞: 好的,謝謝你的幫忙。我還有一個問題,中國經濟法是什麼時候開始生效的?
雪莉: 不一個叫經濟法的法典呀,中國經濟法是對多少部法律的通稱。
瑪麗亞: 不是一部法典嗎?
雪莉: 是的,它是多少部跟經濟相關的法律的通稱,比喻說商法跟核心銀行法。
瑪麗亞: 知道了。謝謝你,雪莉。
Now Steven and Helen is talking about advertisingcampaign. Helen gets some advice from Steven.
Steven: Good morning, Helen.
Helen: Good morning, Steven.
Steven: So, what's the status of our advertising campaign?
Helen: It'll be a national campaign starting next week.
Steven: What style will the ads be?
Helen: I suggest that we focus on slice of life, showing how you can beat the summer heat bybiting into a cool ice-cream sandwich.
Steven: Sounds like a good idea. Will we have a new slogan?
Helen: Definitely.
Matthew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world?
Sure, I've picked up a few things from travelling around for work. Why?
Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing! I didn't know what to do!
Did you bow back?
No, I tried to shake her hand, but her hand was so limp I was a bit offended.
Well, Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan. She might have been offended by your strong handshake.
But she was in America! Shouldn't she have known that strong handshakes in America signify confidence and respect?
Things are different in Japan. You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others is considered rude.
Is that why she wouldn’t look at me in the meeting?
I think it's highly possible, yes.
The meeting really didn’t go down well at all. I think I need to read up about intercultural communication before I have another meeting with someone from another country.
That's a good idea. When you don’t know much about other cultures, the simplest thing can offend someone.
That's so true. It's great that we see eye to eye on this.
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