


  butterfly stroke


  蝶泳教學 How to Swim Butterfly Stroke

  蛙式蝶泳 butterfly breast stroke


  1. Elements of the butterfly include pull, breath, recovery, entry and dolphin kick.

  蝶泳的泳姿動作要領包括:划水 、 呼吸 、 移臂 、 入水和海豚式打水.

  2. Practice makes permanent, especially with this stroke, so try and try again.

  熟能生巧,這句話對於蝶泳特別有用, 所以務必多次練習.

  3. The butterfly turn, you want to come straight into the wall.

  做蝶泳轉身時, 你要徑直遊向池壁.

  4. Peter : Tedhere are freestyle, backstroke, butterfly frog stroke and etc.

  有自由泳 、 仰泳 、 蝶泳、蛙泳等.

  5. The butterfly stroke had not accepted as a formal event until 1958.


  6. Swimming is divided into breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly stroke.

  游泳分為蛙泳, 自由泳, 仰泳, 蝶泳.

  7. Although it's possible to self - teach butterfly, a knowledgeable swim instructor is invaluable.

  自學 蝶泳不是不可能, 但一位有經驗的游泳教練的指導作用非凡.

  8. The next drill is just a butterfly stroke drill.


  9. Fly kick is very important, particularly in a 25 yard pool.

  蝶泳腿非常重要, 特別是在25碼的短池中.

  10. This you can see the efficiency of the stroke under water.


  11. Studies show a remarkable similarity between champion butterfly swimmers and captive dolphins.


  12. Can you teach me the butterfly and the backstroke?

  你能教我蝶泳和仰泳嗎 ?

  13. There is many ways of swimming like butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle ect.

  游泳基本分為蝶泳 、 仰泳 、 蛙泳 、 自由泳.

  14. We often refer the butterfly kick as the [ b ] body dolphin .


  15. You need to use your back muscles to swim the butterfly - stroke.
