蛙泳技術 breaststroke skills
蛙泳訓練 Breaststroke Training
現代蛙泳 modern breaststroke
俯臥蛙泳 Prone Swimming
1. She spent hours practising the breast stroke.
2. My son can do the breast stroke now.
3. I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke.
4. I hear he can swim freestyle, side stroke and breaststroke very well.
我聽說他自由泳 、 側泳和蛙泳都遊得非常好.
5. Sometimes I use breaststroke, backstroke, and free style.
有時遊蛙泳 、 仰泳和自由泳.
6. Peter : Tedhere are freestyle, backstroke, butterfly frog stroke and etc.
有自由泳 、 仰泳 、 蝶泳、蛙泳等.
7. Swimming is divided into breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly stroke.
游泳分為蛙泳, 自由泳, 仰泳, 蝶泳.
8. She'll be trying to beat the world record for women's 200 - metre breaststroke.
9. I prefer the breaststroke , though I can also do the sidestroke.
我會側泳, 但是我喜歡蛙泳.
10. Then you can help her with breaststroke and sidestroke.
11. There is many ways of swimming like butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle ect.
游泳基本分為蝶泳 、 仰泳 、 蛙泳 、 自由泳.
12. Swimming teaching, under Mrs Miu'sinstruction, I found it's hard to teach children.
游泳的話就不多說了, 在繆老師的帶領下, 教小孩子游蛙泳,感覺小孩子真不好教!
13. Swim breaststroke , adding an extra kick to each cycle.
蛙泳, 每次動作週期另增加一次蹬腿.
14. The butterfly, backstroke and breaststroke races each cover 100 and 200 metres.
的蝴蝶, 仰泳和蛙泳比賽,每個包括100和200米.
15. I know there are freestyle, back - stroke, breast - stroke , butterfly and dolphin.
我知道有自由泳 、 仰泳 、 蛙泳還有海豚泳.
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