被子 [bèi zi]
Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.
A quilt, usually with a washable cover, that may be used in place of a bedspread and top sheet.
Mother pieced a quilt yesterday.
The man and his quilt on the opposite roof had disappeared.
The quilt is not thick enough to protect me from the cold.
He snuggled down under the bedclothes.
Every time he rolled over he pulled more of the bed clothes to his side.
He wakes to find that his quilt have slipped off the bed.
He had such bad flu that they had to take him to the hospital.
Special comforters soothe and condition skin to help prevent irritation.
1. Scraps of material were saved, cut up and pieced together for quilts. 邊角碎料都保留下來,剪好後拼在一起做成被子。
2. He mostly stayed at home tucking up the children. 他主要待在家裡,幫孩子們蓋好被子睡覺。
3. I read Lili a story and tucked her in her own bed. 我為莉莉讀了個故事,然後給她蓋好被子。
4. The quilt has pretty, scalloped edges and intricate quilting. 這條被子有漂亮的荷葉飾邊,而且絎縫活做得也很精緻。
5. Ann threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed. 安掀開被子,急忙下了床。
6. She buried her head under the covers, pretending to be asleep. 她把頭埋到被子底下,假裝睡著了。
7. She set her glass down and slid farther under the covers. 她放下杯子,鑽進被子裡。
8. For centuries, quilting and patchwork have been popular needlecrafts. 幾個世紀以來,縫被子和做布拼一直是許多人都會做的針線活兒。
9. Tuck the sheets in firmly. 掖緊被子。
10. He would be tucked comfortably into bed. 會有人給他掖好被子,讓他舒舒服服地睡覺。
11. Mother pieced a quilt yesterday. 母親昨天補了一床被子.
12. I sing to the boys or read them a story before tucking them in. 在給這些男孩們蓋好被子叫他們乖乖睡覺前,我會給他們唱首歌或講一個故事聽。
13. My mother would tuck me in, turn out the lights and tiptoe out. 母親會給我掖好被子,關上燈,然後躡手躡腳走出去。
14. She turned her face away from him, burrowing into her heap of covers. 她側過臉背向他,鑽進她那堆被子裡。
15. Trembling with fear, he threw himself down on the bed and covered his headwith the quilt. 他嚇得發抖, 趴在床上,用被子矇住了頭.
16. Mr. Cruncher reposed under a patchwork counterpane, like a Harlequin athome. 克朗徹先生蓋了一床白衲衣圖案的花哨被子, 像是呆在家裡的丑角.
17. Sleep deserted him and he kicked the quilt aside and sat up. 他不睡了,一腳踢開了被子,他坐了起來.
18. Through my tea - colored glasses , I saw the man patting his quilt. 見到那人一邊用手拍打被子.
19. Every time I had a boyfriend, I observed his attitude towards quilts. 每交上男朋友, 都要偵察他對待被子的態度.
20. My bedding was thicker and warmer, too. 我的被子也比從前的厚實暖和了.
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