杯子 [bēi zi]
cup 英[kʌp] 美[kʌp]
glass 英[glɑ:s] 美[glæs]
mugunit of measure
She whisked the cups away.
She carefully positioned the cup on the edge of the shelf.
Please fill the cup with water.
This cup is made of stainless steel.
This is an opaque cup.
The glass shattered.
Bring a mug to the office instead of using polystyrene cups.
The boy carelessly put the cup on the edge of the table and it fell off.
Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water.
He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker 他抱怨她喝得太慢,隨即又把她的杯子續滿。
Mitzi nodded a perfunctory acknowledgement as her glass was filled 杯子被倒滿時米芝敷衍性地點頭示意。
He smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass 他微笑著,一邊沉思,一邊攪動著幾乎空了的杯子裡的冰塊。
That cup is priceless You can't put a value on it 那個杯子價值連城,無法定價。
He raised his glass and indicated that I should do the same 他舉起了杯子並且示意我也應該這樣做。
She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle 她把他們倆的杯子倒空,燒上了電水壺。
Mix the sugar and the water in a cup 把糖和水倒在杯子裡攪拌一下。
She set her cup down, and it clattered against the saucer 她放下杯子時在茶碟上咣噹碰了一下。
Tony smiled and lifted his glass "Here's to you, Amy" 託尼微笑著舉起杯子。“為你乾一杯,埃米。”
She set her glass down and slid farther under the covers 她放下杯子,鑽進被子裡。
He picked up his mug and blew off the steam 他端起杯子,吹走了熱氣。
He finished the tea and laid the cup aside 他喝完茶後把杯子擱在一邊。
He held out his glass for an old waiter to refill 他把杯子遞給一個老服務生重新續杯。
Pass me your cup, Amy, and I'll fill it up for you 把杯子遞給我,埃米,我給你加滿。
When he set his glass down he spilled a little drink 他把杯子放下時,飲料濺出來一點。
He polished off his scotch and slammed the glass down 他一仰脖喝完蘇格蘭威士忌,砰的一聲把杯子放下。
Clear it away so we can put our mugs down 把它拿開,我們好放杯子。
Dix pushed forward carrying a glass 迪克斯拿著杯子往前擠。
Grossman raised the glass to his lips 格羅斯曼把杯子舉到脣邊。
Lettie groped blindly for the glass 萊蒂摸索著找杯子。
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