accommodative英 [ə'kɒmə'deɪtɪv] 美 [ə'kɒməˌdeɪtɪv]
adj. 樂於助人的,隨和的,善於適應新環境的;
1. We should arrange accommodative time to play a computer.
2. Types of esotropia include infantile esotropia , accommodative esotropia, and sixth nerve palsy.
內斜視的型別包括小兒內斜視 、 調節性內斜視和第六腦神經麻痺性斜視.
3. Conclusion Patients with CSC had reduced accommodative function.
4. First, there is the accommodative type.
首先, 是寬鬆型.
5. Offer adjutant therapy to accommodative myopia, insomnia, and dark eye sockets and help eliminate fatigue.
對調節性近視、消除疲勞 、 失眠 、 黑眼圈等有輔助治療作用.
6. What bargaining style did the parties exhibit : accommodative, competitive, compromising, avoiding, collaborative, or mixed?
雙方各採用什麼樣的協議型態: 調解性, 競爭性, 妥協性, 避免性, 合作性, 或是混合的型態?
7. The teachers tended to be highly accommodative to the activities of " Hopeful Reading Project. "
教師對 [ 希望閱讀]專案所推行各種活動的整體參與態度趨向高度願意配合.
8. Objective To study the characteristics Pattern Reversal VisualEvoked Potentials PRVEP in children with accommodative esotropia amblyopia.
目的研究調節性內斜視弱視患兒多導 VEP 特點.
9. Objective : To study the effects of the combining therapy for accommodativeesotropia RAET and its related factor.
目的: 探討綜合治療屈光性調節性內斜視的效果及其相關因素.
10. Results The 1 CU accommodative PC - IOLs after implantation had good centered and stable and no IOL - specific complications.
11. Objective To investigate the surgical extent and methods for pediatric partialaccommodative esotropia.
12. Asia's love affair with real estate has been fuelled by easy money andaccommodative government policies.
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