regard oneself as
1. Strangest of all Hsin - mei called himself " Hung - chien's lovemate. "
頂奇怪的是稱自己為 “ 鴻 漸 同情兄. ”
2. [ Byers ] She calls herself Yves Adele Harlow.
[ 拜爾斯 ] 她稱自己為伊維斯阿代爾哈諾.
3. All women who called themselves feminists could agree on some points.
4. Accuser: No, he calls himself the Son of God!
原告: 不, 他稱自己為神的兒子!
5. Mr. Wang considers himself to be a stuffed shirt.
***因為沒有人自己稱自己為妄自尊大. ***
6. Accuser: He calls himself the King of the Jews!
原告: 他稱自己為猶太人的王!
7. It calls itself a drinking club with a running problem.
8. He writes himself a poet.
9. They called themselves The Order of the Phoenix.
10. The dustman called himself a garBologist.
11. They call themselves the Volunteer Coastguard of Somalia - and it's not hard to see why.
12. An Ass shall call to itself a long - bearded Goat and then will change shapes with it.
13. As a cover story he generally tells people he is a freelance photographer.
14. Block: We must make an idol of our fear and call it God.
布洛克: 我們必須為自己的恐驚建造一個偶像,而我們就稱其為神.
15. Drink with the of singing I forget myself and call thee friend who art my lord.
regard as的雙語例句
1. All of the following I would regard as misconceptions.
2. With such self - regard as you display, what room is left for the public's love?
3. But will have to regard as important the future the development.
4. We regard as important the sentiment, therefore thousand tracks down!
我們看重感情, 所以千般追尋!
5. What would you regard as the lowest depths of misery?
你認為程度最淺的痛苦是 什麼 ?
6. Do not carry applicant to exceed the time limit, regard as unqualified.
有非凡情況的應在限期期滿前,提出延期複查申請, 申述延期理由.
7. True, this means considering changes you regard as unwise and uninteresting ideas.
是的, 這就意味著要考慮改變你認為不明智和無趣的想法.
8. Bean curd is now regard as a healthful diet.
9. The disease of the eye can not regard as trifling matter!
10. Setting up the evaluation model is regard as the core of HRM.
11. Why should non - native speakers bother with what native speakers regard as correct?
非 英語母語人士為什麼要在意英語母語人士的看法 呢 ?
12. Indeed, they often regard as Derby the season a wind vane.
的確, 他們往往把德比視為賽季的一個風向標.
13. Shaoxing wine is regard as the national wine.
14. When the results of DSA were regard as golden standard, the accuracy of MRA was 95.65 %.
以DSA為診斷標準, MRA診斷符合率為95.65%.
15. Content shedding management can regard as catenary government, pass effective control of whole and management.
物流管理可視為供應鏈管理, 通過整體的有效控制和管理.
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