:Smoking in Public Places
Some countries have gone so far as to ban smoking in many public places and office buildings. Although some people say that this limitation is a violation of their rights, the measure has received widespread support among non-smokers. In my opinion, it is a good rule for the following reasons.
The first and most important reason is that while limits on smoking restrict the rights of smokers, smoking itself impinges upon the rights of non-smokers. Studies have shown that second-hand smoke can have a detrimental effect on the health of non-smokers, so I agree that this is one activity which should be restricted. Second, aside from the long-term health effects of second-hand smoke, it can have very serious immediate consequences for those who are allergic to it. In a public place we can not know who may be allergic to our smoke so, for safety’s sake, it is better not to smoke around others without their permission. Third, the ashes and cigarette butts left behind by smokers are another form of pollution. They dirty our environment and, as taxpayers, we must all pay for the clean-up of our public places.
In conclusion, I hold that smoking should be banned in public places and office buildings.
:The Function of the Zoos
It has been said that zoos no longer serve a useful purpose. Others say that zoos are artificial environments that do the animals more harm than good. In my opinion, these arguments do have some merits but do not outweigh the advantages of zoos as centers for education and conservation
The primary purpose of a zoo is to educate. It provides people with an opportunity to see live animals at close quarters. Furthermore, these are animals that most people would never see otherwise. They may be from areas that are far away or inaccessible. Moreover, they may be rare and difficult to see in the wild. While books and videos can provide people with information about such animals, nothing can equal the effect of seeing a live animal. Allowing people to see live animals, especially rare ones, can also help the zoo achieve another important goal-to promote conservation.
In conclusion, there is no doubt in my mind that zoos still serve a vital function in today’s society. They not only educate and conserve, but also allow people to experience a connection with animals. And it is this connection that may be the greatest benefit to both people and animals.
:Forests Needing to be Saved
These days we often talk about the importance of our natural resources. Environmentalists are urging people everywhere to protect their air, water, forests, wildlife, and so on. It is difficult to choose just one natural resource to save, but in my opinion, saving the forests should be the top priority.
Forests help to preserve other natural resources such as water, air, and animals. Without forests, the land cannot hold water as well. This means that in heavy rain hillsides will collapse, causing great damage. Not only that, but without the protection of trees, the nutrient-rich topsoil will be washed away and nothing will be able to grow on the land. Trees also help to clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. And, of course, forests are the natural habitat of many wild animals. Without them, these animals will not be able to survive.
All of the earth’s natural resources are important, and we should all work to save them. The reason why I choose the forests as most important is that they help us in so many ways. By saving the forests, I believe we can save the planet.
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