


  Ezra Pound - Canto XLIX

  For the seven lakes, and by no man these verses:

  Rain; empty river; a voyage,

  Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilight

  Under the cabin roof was one lantern.

  The reeds are heavy; bent;

  and the bamboos speak as if weeping.

  Autumn moon; hills rise about lakes

  against sunset

  Evening is like a curtain of cloud,

  a blurr above ripples; and through it

  sharp long spikes of the cinnamon,

  a cold tune amid reeds.

  Behind hill the monk's bell

  borne on the wind.

  Sail passed here in April; may return in October

  Boat fades in silver; slowly;

  Sun blaze alone on the river.

  Where wine flag catches the sunset

  Sparse chimneys smoke in the cross light

  Comes then snow scur on the river

  And a world is covered with jade

  Small boat floats like a lanthorn,

  The flowing water closts as with cold. And at San Yin

  they are a people of leisure.

  Wild geese swoop to the sand-bar,

  Clouds gather about the hole of the window

  Broad water; geese line out with the autumn

  Rooks clatter over the fishermen's lanthorns,

  A light moves on the north sky line;

  where the young boys prod stones for shrimp.

  In seventeen hundred came Tsing to these hill lakes.

  A light moves on the South sky line.

  State by creating riches shd. thereby get into debt?

  This is infamy; this is Geryon.

  This canal goes still to TenShi

  Though the old king built it for pleasure

  K E I M E N R A N K E I

  K I U M A N M A N K E I



  Sun up; work

  sundown; to rest

  dig well and drink of the water

  dig field; eat of the grain

  Imperial power is? and to us what is it?

  The fourth; the dimension of stillness.

  And the power over wild beasts.


  Ezra Pound - The Seeing Eye

  The small dogs look at the big dogs;

  They observe unwieldy dimensions

  And curious imperfections of odor.

  Here is the formal male group:

  The young men look upon their seniors,

  They consider the elderly mind

  And observe its inexplicable correlations.

  Said Tsin-Tsu:

  It is only in small dogs and the young

  That we find minute observation


  Ezra Pound - These Fought in Any Case

  These fought in any case,

  and some believing

  pro domo, in any case .....

  Died some, pro patria,

  walked eye-deep in hell

  believing in old men's lies, then unbelieving

  came home, home to a lie,

  home to many deceits,

  home to old lies and new infamy;

  usury age-old and age-thick

  and liars in public places.

  Daring as never before, wastage as never before.

  Young blood and high blood,

  fair cheeks, and fine bodies;

  fortitude as never before

  frankness as never before,

  disillusions as never told in the old days,

  hysterias, trench confessions,

  laughter out of dead bellies.