悽悽去親愛, 泛泛入煙霧。
歸棹洛陽人, 殘鍾廣陵樹。
今朝為此別, 何處還相遇。
世事波上舟, 沿洄安得住。
setting sail on the yangzi to secretary yuan
wei yingwu
wistful, away from my friends and kin,
through mist and fog i float and float
with the sail that bears me toward loyang.
in yangzhou trees linger bell-notes of evening,
marking the day and the place of our parting….
when shall we meet again and where?
…destiny is a boat on the waves,
borne to and fro, beyond our will.
今朝郡齋冷, 忽念山中客。
澗底束荊薪, 歸來煮白石。
欲持一瓢酒, 遠慰風雨夕。
落葉滿空山, 何處尋行跡。
a poem to a taoist hermit chuanjiao mountain
wei yingwu
my office has grown cold today;
and i suddenly think of my mountain friend
gathering firewood down in the valley
or boiling white stones for potatoes in his hut….
i wish i might take him a cup of wine
to cheer him through the evening storm;
but in fallen leaves that have heaped the bare slopes,
how should i ever find his footprints!
鷲翎金僕姑, 燕尾繡蝥弧。
獨立揚新令, 千營共一呼。
border-songs i
lu lun
his golden arrow is tipped with hawk's feathers,
his embroidered silk flag has a tail like a swallow.
one man, arising, gives a new order
to the answering shout of a thousand tents.
慈母手中線, 遊子身上衣。
臨行密密縫, 意恐遲遲歸。
誰言寸草心, 報得三春輝。
a traveller's song
meng jiao
the thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother
makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy;
carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends,
dreading the delays that will keep him late from home.
but how much love has the inch-long grass
for three spring months of the light of the sun?
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