


  1. to one’s horror令某人感到恐懼的是

  2. in a hurry ***=hastily***匆忙地

  3. be identical with ***=exactly alike***和完全相同

  4. be identified with被視為與„„等同

  5. in ignorance of不知道„„

  6. be ignorant of ***=lacking knowledge***對„„不瞭解,不知道

  7. ***an*** impact ***on***對„„的強烈影響

  8. impose...on把„„強加給

  9. impress...on給„„留下印象

  10. make ***leave*** an impression on sb. =give sb. an impression給„„留下印象

  11. under the impression that有„„的印象,認為

  12. improve sth. ***make sth. better***把原物改進

  13. improve on ***=produce or be sth. better than...***另做一物比原物更好 improve

  14. in ***=get better***有改進,好些

  15. improvement in表示原物有改進,好轉

  16. include...in把„„列在„„裡面

  17. inclusive of把„„包括在內

  18. independent of獨立的,不受約束的

  19. indicative of表明,說明

  20. be indifferent to ***=not interested in***對„„漠不關心,冷淡,不在乎


  1. ***be*** inferior to ***=less good in quality or value***比„„差;

  2. superior to比„„好

  3. inform sb. of sth.通知,告訴

  4. be innocent of無罪的,無辜的

  5. insist on ***=order sth. to happen***堅持要

  6. instead of ***in place of***代替,而不是„„

  7. instruct...in ***=teach***教,指導,訓練某人„„

  8. insure... for把„„保險***多少錢***;

  9. ensure使安全;

  10. assure...***of***使„„確信,保證

  11. insure...against保險„„以防

  12. intend...for打算把„„給

  13. ***be*** intent on專心致志,堅決

  14. in the interests of符合„„的利益

  15. be interested in對„„感興趣

  16. interfere in干涉,

  17. interfere with打攪,干擾

  18. at intervals每隔一會兒,每隔一段距離

  19. intervene in干預

  20. invest in投資


  1. at hand在手邊,眼前***附近***

  2. by hand用手工***做***

  3. hand in glove ***with***狼狽為奸,密切合作

  4. in the hands of由„„掌握,控制,負責

  5. live from hand to mouth勉強度日,現掙現吃

  6. at the head of在„„的前頭

  7. head for ***=move towards***向„„方向前進

  8. hear of ***=know about***聽人說起,聽說過

  9. at heart ***=in reality***內心裡,實際上

  10. in one’s heart ***of hearts***內心深處,事實上

  11. by heart ***=by memory***熟記,背***誦***

  12. to one’s heart’s content盡情地

  13. with all one’s heart全心全意地,真心實意

  14. hinder...form ***=stop...from***阻礙,使„„不能做

  15. be ***go*** on holiday在***去***度假

  16. be ***feel*** at home ***=to be comfortable; not feel worried***感覺合適,無拘束,熟悉

  17. be honest in誠實

  18. in one’s honour ***or in honour of***祝賀,紀念

  19. on one’s honour以某人的名譽擔保

  20. hope for希望***某事發生***,希望有

