


  Generally speaking


  1. Speaking generally, the space enterprise has served astronomy well.


  2. Overall I was disappointed.


  3. Overall, I like Connie. I think she's great.


  4. I think you're pretty safe, considering.


  5. I think on balance I prefer the old system.


  6. Overall, prices are still rising.

  總的說來, 價格仍在上漲.

  7. The class are, in general, very bright.

  總的說來, 這個班級的學生都很聰明.

  8. All our achievements are very great.


  9. She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general.


  10. We both thought that all in all it might not be a bad idea.


  11. In general, machinery has replaced most hired labor.

  總的說來, 機械已經代替了大部分僱傭勞動力.

  12. I was in general agreement with this strong policy.


  13. Overall, the heaviest offtake of Canadian comes from China and Soviet Union.

  總的說來, 加拿大糧食的最大買主是中國和蘇聯.

  14. His personal life was largely one of disappointment, frustration and tragedy.

  他的個人生活,總的說來,是一場充滿失望, 挫折的悲劇.

  15. I concede that point, but I still think you are wrong generally.

  我承認那一點, 不過我認為總的說來你是錯的.

  總的說來Generally speaking 的雙語例句

  1. Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea.


  2. Generally speaking, parents love their children.

  一般說來, 父母愛他們的孩子.

  3. Generally speaking, the coldest weather comes in January.

  一般來說, 一月的天氣是最冷的.

  4. The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support.


  5. Generally speaking, tourists should first visit cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an .

  一般地說, 第一次到中國應當先到北京 、 上海、 西安 等地.

  6. Generally speaking, they are " intermediate " in some aspects between apes and men.

  一般說來, 他們在某些方面是介乎猿和人之間的 “ 中間環節. ”

  7. Generally speaking, learning hard is worth in the end after all.

  一般說來, 努力學習到頭來畢竟是值得的.

  8. Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old.

  一般而言, 年輕人比老年人更不保守.

  9. Generally speaking, we hold all disputes should be settled through friendly negatiations.

  一般來說, 我們主張所有爭論通過友好協商解決.

  10. Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food.


  11. Generally speaking, I think you're right.

  一般而言, 我認為你是對的.

  12. Generally speaking, it's quite a fair settlement.

  大致上說, 這樣解決很恰當.

  13. Generally speaking, we enjoyed the trip.

  總的來說, 我們這次旅行很愉快.

  14. Generally speaking, the universe is hostile to man.

  一般說來, 宇宙對人類是不友好的.

  15. Generally speaking, the remaining administrative decisions comprise the legal category of " informal action. "

  一般而言, 餘下的行政決定由法律範疇的 " 非正式行動 " 構成.

