


  1. go out for a walk 外出散步

  2. go on ***doing*** 繼續***做……***

  3. go on with one's work 繼續某人的工作

  4. go upstairs/downstairs 上/下樓

  5. ***the lights*** go out ***燈***熄了

  6. have a lesson ***lessons***/a meeting 上課/開會

  7. have a football match ***basketball match*** 舉行一場足球***藍球***賽

  8. have dictation 聽見

  9. have a try 試一試

  10. have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高興

  11. have a lecture ***a piano concert*** 聽講座***聽鋼琴音樂會***

  12. have a report ***talk*** on 聽一個關於……的報告

  13. have a glass of water ***a cup of tea*** 喝一杯水,***一杯茶***

  14. have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早飯/午飯/晚飯

  15. have a meal ***three meals*** 吃一頓飯***三餐飯***

  16. have a dinner 吃正餐

  17. have bread and milk for breakfast 早飯吃麵包和牛奶

  18. have ***have got*** a headache 頭痛

  19. have a fever 發燒

  20. have a cough ***a cold*** 咳嗽***感冒***


  1. get back 返回

  2. get rid of 除掉,去除

  3. get in 進入,收集

  4. get on/off 上/下車

  5. get to 到達

  6. get there 到達那裡

  7. give sb. a call 給……打電話

  8. give a talk 作報告

  9. give a lecture ***a piano concert***作講座***舉行鋼琴音樂會***

  10. give back 歸還,送回

  11. give……some advice on 給……一些忠告

  12. give lessons to 給……上課

  13. give in 屈服

  14. give up 放棄

  15. give sb. a chance 給……一次機會

  16. give a message to…… 給……一個口信

  17. go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,幹吧

  18. go to the cinema 看電影

  19. go go bed 睡覺***make the bed 整理床鋪***

  20. go to school ***college*** 上學***上大學***


  1***come back 回來

  2***come down 下來

  3***come in 進入,進來

  4***come on 快,走吧,跟我來

  5***come out出來

  6***come out of 從……出來

  7***come up 上來

  8***come from 來自……

  9***do one's lessons/homework 做功課/回家作業

  10***do more speaking/reading 多做口頭練習/朗讀

  11***do one's best 盡力

  12***do some shopping ***cooking reading, cleaning***買東西***做飯菜,讀點書,大掃除***

  13***do a good deed ***good deeds***做一件好事***做好事***

  14***do morning exercises 做早操

  15***do eye exercises 做眼保健操

  16***do well in 在……某方面幹得好

  17***get up 起身

  18***get everything ready 把一切都準備好

  19***get ready for ***=be ready for*** 為……作好準備

  20***get on ***well*** with 與……相處***融洽***

