
1、Pain is forced to leave the place。痛苦就是被迫離開原地。

2、Moral first requirement is governed themselves。道德首先被要求的是支配自己。

3、I was lonely, I was free, I was their emperor。我是孤獨的,我是自由的,我就是自己的帝王。

4、Angry with someone else's mistake to punish themselves。發怒,是用別人的錯誤來懲罰自己。

5、No life goals, just without a compass and navigation。沒有目標而生活,恰如沒有羅盤而航行。

6、To judge the United States, there should be a cultivated mind。要評判美,就要有一個有修養的心靈。

7、As long as you dutifully, people will respect you sincerely。只要你盡職盡責,人們都會由衷地對你尊敬。

8、Obligation philosophy is to remove misunderstanding born fantasy。哲學的義務是,去除因誤解而生的幻想。

9、I am in awe, the moral law is the head of the stars and hearts。我所敬畏的,是頭上的星空和心中的道德律。

10、Three things help alleviate pains of life: hope, sleep and smiling。三樣東西有助於緩解生命的辛勞:希望,睡眠和微笑。

11、Professor of philosophy can not, philosophical thinker is always the cause。哲學無法教授,哲學永遠是思想者的事業。

12、The world's most amazing is that my head and heart Splendid Star ethics。世上最奇妙的是我頭上燦爛星空和內心的道德準則。

13、Men are likely to be investigated, but the woman did not reveal their secrets。男人是容易被考察的,女人卻並不洩露自己的祕密。

14、Freedom is not do what you want to do, but does not want to do is not doing。自由不是想幹什麼就幹什麼,而是想不幹什麼就不幹什麼。

15、The disadvantage of a person from his era, but his own virtues and greatness。一個人的缺點來自他的時代,他的美德和偉大卻屬於自己。

16、The so-called religion, our obligation is to be seen as everything is God's command。所謂宗教,就是把我們的義務的一切都看作是神的命令。

17、A man was saying must be true, but he did not need to say that he knows it。一個人說出來的話必須是真的,但是他沒有必要把他知道的都說出來。

18、Honest and better than all the resourcefulness, and it is the basic condition resourcefulness。誠實比一切智謀更好,而且它是智謀的基本條件。

19、When the love I need when I am not qualified, when I need love, but he left me。當愛情需要我的時候我沒有資格,當我需要愛情的時候,他卻離我而去。

20、You can enrich the soul of things, but the shining stars of the sky, and my inner moral law。能充實心靈的東西,乃是閃爍著星星的蒼穹,以及我內心的道德律。

21、The so-called religion, refers to everything we have to assume the obligations in terms of God's command。所謂的宗教,是指我們的一切義務都要當做上帝的命令而言。

22、The morality of an act does not depend on its results, but only depends on the intention behind the act。一個行為的道德性不取決於它的結果,而僅僅取決於該行為背後的意圖。

23、The more the more busy we felt strongly that we are alive, the more aware of the existence of our lives。我們越是忙越能強烈地感到我們是活著,越能意識到我們生命的存在。

24、Now that I have embarked on this path, then, should not interfere with anything I go along this road。既然我已經踏上這條道路,那麼,任何東西都不應妨礙我沿著這條路走下去。

25、The sea is great, except that it beautiful, magnificent, magnanimous, there is a self-purification function。大海之所以偉大,除了它美麗、壯闊、坦蕩外,還有一種自我淨化的功能。

26、The more deliberately want comfort and happiness in life, then this person is not truly satisfy more。越是處心積慮地想得到生活上的舒適和幸福,那麼這個人就越是得不到真正的滿足。

27、Freedom is not what makes you want to do, freedom to teach what you do not want to do, you can not do anything。自由不是讓你想做什麼就做什麼,自由是教你不想做什麼,就可以不做什麼。

28、There are two types of people in awe, it is the head of a limitless sky, and the other is the idea of the infinite heart。人有兩種敬畏,一個是頭頂無限的星空,另一個是內心無限的思想。

29、There are two things the more the more they ponder shock and awe, that is ethics Star on my head and my heart。有兩件事物越思考就越覺得震撼與敬畏,那便是我頭上的星空和我心中的道德準則。

30、Conscience is an instinct to judge ourselves according to the moral norm, it's not just an ability; it is an instinct。良心是一種根據道德準則來判斷自己的本能,它不只是一種能力;它是一種本能。

31、Reason one hand and their own principles, single-handedly brought out the study based on the theory and experiment, went natural。理性一手拿著自己的原理,一手拿來著根據那個原理研究出來和實驗,奔赴自然。