注音 ㄇ一ㄢˋ ㄇ一ㄢˋ ㄐㄨˋ ㄉㄠˋ
拼音 miàn miàn jù dào
⒈ 方方面面全能顧及到。比喻辦事周詳或過於泛泛反而抓不住要害。
英attend to each and every aspect of a matter; be attentive in every way;
坐井觀天: 比喻眼光狹小,看到的東西有限。英look at the sky from the bottom of a well; view things from one’s limited experience; have a very narrow view;
分身無術: 分身:分出精力照顧其他方面。沒有一身同時兼顧幾個方面的法術。
顧此失彼: 兩者不能同時兼顧。例錢糧輸納,必有定限,……限有定而百姓閒時辦銀,逢限上納,無顧此失彼之慮。——清·黃六鴻《錢穀比限》英take one into consideration to the neglect of the other; attend to one thing and lose sight of another;
掛一漏萬: 考慮事情僅及一端,多所缺漏。常作為謙詞。英think of one and omit ten thousand;