
注音 ㄩˊ ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄏㄨㄣˋ ㄗㄚˊ

拼音 yú lóng hùn zá




⒈  比喻壞人和好人混在一起,不易分辨。


dragons and fish jumbled together;

濫竽充數:  不會吹竽的人,混在吹竽的樂隊裡充數(故事見《韓非子·內儲說上》)。比喻沒有真才實學的人混在行家裡面充數,或是以次貨充好貨。也用作自謙之詞。例若只靠才氣,摭些陳言,便不好濫竽充數了。——清·文康《兒女英雄傳》英pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble; hold a post without adequate qualifications; simply to make up the number;

良莠不齊:  莠:狗尾草,比喻品質壞的人。比喻好人壞人混在一起。例無如眾生愚賢不等,也就如五穀良莠不齊。——清·文康《兒女英雄傳》英grain or chaff; the good and the bad are intermingled; sheep and goats; there are bad as well as good people in the group; there are weeds among seedlings; thread and thrum;

牛驥同皁:  亦作“牛驥同槽”。⒉  謂牛與千里馬同槽而食。比喻賢愚不分。

牛驥同皂:  亦作“牛驥同槽”。⒉  謂牛與千里馬同槽而食。比喻賢愚不分。

泥沙俱下:  比喻好的和壞的混雜在一起。英mud and sand are carried along—there is a mingling of good and bad;

魚目混珠:  魚眼睛摻雜在珍珠裡面。比喻以假亂真。例他道你是魚目混珠,你該罰他一鍾酒。——《花月痕》英pass off fish eyes for pearls; mix the genuine with the fictitious;

龍蛇混雜:  喻好人壞人混雜在一起。