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拼音 fēng mǐ yī shí
⒈ 形容事物、愛好、衣飾等在一個時期內極流行。
英become fashionable for a time;
風行一時: 風行:流行。形容事物在一時間極為普遍。例這種髮型曾風行一時。英be popular for a while; become a fad of the time;⒉ 短暫的;很快消失的。英passing;
蔚然成風: 形容一種事物盛行於一時,一地,成為一種風氣。英become common practice which prevails throughout; grow into a general trend;
洛陽紙貴: 比喻著作廣泛流傳,風行一時。源於晉代,左思《三都賦》寫成後,豪貴人家競相抄寫,抄寫的人很多,洛陽的紙都因此漲價了。例人話洛陽紙貴,誰知今日鬧到長安扇貴。——清·李汝珍《鏡花緣》英overwhelming popularity of a new book (causing shortage of printing paper); sensational sale of new book causes paper shortage;
盛極一時: 在一段時間內極興盛、流行。例[秋瑾]偕君入京師,因得識其夫同僚廉泉妻桐城吳夫人芝瑛,文采昭曜,盛極一時,見者鹹驚以為珊瑚玉樹之齊輝而並美也。——陳去病《鑑湖女俠秋瑾傳》英be in fashion for a time;