注音 ㄐ一ㄚˇ ㄖㄣˊ ㄐ一ㄚˇ 一ˋ
拼音 jiǎ rén jiǎ yì
▸ 虛情假義 ▸ 陽奉陰違 ▸ 肝膽相照 ▸ 爾虞我詐 ▸ 貌合神離 ▸ 虛情假意 ▸ 假裝好人
⒈ 內心奸惡,假作仁義;內心毫不同情,表面裝作關切。
英to be a wolf in sheep’s skin; hypocrisy; don a pious mask; pass the bottle of smoke; pretended sham benevolence and righteousness; pretend to be the paragon of virtue;
陽奉陰違: 當眾同意背後反對。例如有日與胥徒比,而陽奉陰違,名去實存者,斷以白簡隨其後。——《明臣奏議·革大戶行召募疏》英overtly agree, but covertly oppose; out wardly obey but inwardly oppose;
肝膽相照: 肝與膽關係密切,互相照應。比喻互相之間坦誠交往共事。例所恃知己肝膽相照,臨書不憚傾倒。——宋·文天祥《與陳察院文龍書》如今承老弟你問到這句話,我兩個一見氣味相投,肝膽相照,我可瞞不上你來。——《兒女英雄傳》英show utter devotion to sb.; be loyal-hearted;
爾虞我詐: 互相詐騙。英each trying to cheat or outwit the other;
貌合神離: 表面上很親密而實際上懷有二心。英be apparently acquiescing while countrary-minded; be friendly apparently but in fact not; seemingly in harmony but actually at variance;
虛情假意: 虛假的情意。形容不真誠,做作。例那妖精巧言花語,虛情假意地答道:…——《西遊記》英phonily affection; pretended friendship false display of affection; hypocritical show of friendship;