
注音 ㄋ一ˋ ㄌㄞˊ ㄕㄨㄣˋ ㄕㄡˋ

拼音 nì lái shùn shòu




⒈  對惡劣的環境或無禮的待遇隱忍而不抗爭。


bear one's hard lot as well as one can; grin and bear it; meekly accept humiliations;

三從四德:  古代中國婦女應有的品德。三從是未嫁從父、既嫁從夫、夫死從子,四德是婦德、婦言、婦容、婦功(婦女的品德、辭令、儀態、女工)英the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her husband when married, and her sons in widowhood and the four virtues (morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work) of women in ancient China; spiritual fetters of wifely submission and virtue imposed on women in feudal society;

含垢忍辱:  指忍受恥辱。例這將意味著含垢忍辱?英endure contempt and insults;

吞聲忍氣:  強忍氣憤而不出聲。

委曲求全:  勉強遷就,以求保全;顧全大局,暫時忍讓。英compromise out of consideration for the general interest; make concessions to achieve one's purpose; stoop to compromise;

唾面自乾:  人家往自己臉上吐唾沫,不擦掉而讓它自幹。指受了侮辱,極度容忍,不加反抗,也指人不知羞恥。英drain the cup of humiliation; extreme obsequiousness as one who in spat on the face and let dry without wiping;

犯而不校:  別人觸犯自己也不計較。亦作:犯而勿校。