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拼音 zhuó shǒu chéng chūn
▸ 妙手回春 ▸ 手到病除 ▸ 手到回春 ▸ 藥到病除 ▸ 起死回生
⒈ 即“妙手回春”。形容醫術高明,一出手就能使病人康復。
英to effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life;
妙手回春: 對醫術精良醫師的稱讚之語。比喻使沉痾轉愈,有起死回生之術。英effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life; show admirable skill in curing diseases and bringing life to patients; the physician with magic hand acts like a charm;
手到病除: 形容醫術高明。英cure a patient by mere touch; sickness retires at his touch;
藥到病除: 藥一到疾病就消除。形容藥物靈驗,醫術高明。
起死回生: 救活垂危的人。形容醫術高明。例吃緊的不識病名,休再提起死回生。——明·李開先《林沖寶劍記》英raise; raise the dead;