
注音 ㄊ一ㄥ ㄊ一ㄢ 一ㄡˊ ㄇ一ㄥˋ

拼音 tīng tiān yóu mìng




⒈  聽其自然發展天成,忽視或放棄人本身的能動作用。

resign oneself to one's fate; submit to the will of Heaven; give hostage to fortune; trust to luck;

束手就擒:  捆起手來等候別人來捉拿,比喻無法脫逃或無力抵抗。英allow oneself to be seized without putting up a fight; wait for capture with tied hands;

畏天知命:  謂知天命,識時務。

樂天任命:  猶言聽天由命。

聽之任之:  聽任不管。讓它自由發展。英let sb.have his own way; leave things as they are; let matters drift;

何去何從:  指在重大問題上選擇去取。

無所作為:  不努力去做出成績或沒有做出成績。例她儘管沒有做到年輕有為,但也沒有讓自己無所作為。英let go; be in a state of inertia; attempt nothing and accomplish nothing;

知難而退:  原指作戰時要見機而動,不硬做做不到的事情。後指遇到困難就退縮,不去克服。英withdraw after learning of the difficulties;

聽其自然:  任憑事情發展,不作任何努力。英let things take their own course; leave enough alone; let matters stand; take the world as one finds it;


自生自滅:  自行產生、發展,自行消失、幻滅。英emerge of itself and perish of itself; run its course;

樂天知命:  安於自己的命運而沒有任何憂慮。英contented with one's lot; accept fate and be happy about it; enjoy what is natural and obey what is destined;

得過且過:  只要勉強過得去就這樣過下去沒有長遠打算;敷衍地過日子,放任自流;也比喻工作不負責任,馬馬虎虎。英muddle along; let things drift;

聽天安命:  見“聽天由命”。
