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拼音 shí lái yùn zhuǎn
▸ 苦盡甘來 ▸ 否極泰來 ▸ 鴻運高照 ▸ 好景不長 ▸ 枯木逢春
⒈ 謂本來處境不利,遇到機會時自逆境變為順境。
英get a break; time moved in one's favour;
苦盡甘來: 甘:甜。比喻苦日子結束了,好日子來了。英when bitterness is finished,sweetness begins;
否極泰來: 壞的到了盡頭、極點,就會轉而變好(否,泰:六十四卦中的卦名,否是壞的卦,泰是好的卦)例常言道:樂極生悲,否極泰來。——《水滸傳》英out of the depth of misfortune comes the bliss;
好景不長: 好光景不會長久存在。亦作“好景不常”英All good things must come to an end; good times don’t last long;
枯木逢春: 枯黃的樹木欣逢春日。比喻久處困厄之人,忽遇得意之事,重新獲得生命力。英spring comes to the withered tree; like a dry tree reviving in spring; good fortune that comes after a long spell of bad luck;