注音 ㄓㄢˇ ㄘㄠˇ ㄔㄨˊ ㄍㄣ
拼音 zhǎn cǎo chú gēn
▸ 一網打盡 ▸ 一掃而空 ▸ 雞犬不留 ▸ 消滅淨盡 ▸ 除惡務盡 ▸ 寸草不留 ▸ 抽薪止沸 ▸ 趕盡殺絕 ▸ 削株掘根 ▸ 斬盡殺絕 ▸ 養虎遺患 ▸ 不留餘地 ▸ 剪草除根
⒈ 比喻剷除禍根,以免留下後患。
英cut the weeds and dig up the roots—destroy root and branch;
一網打盡: 比喻全部抓住徹底肅清。英round up the whole gang at one fell swoop; catch the whole lot in a dragnet;
一掃而空: 一舉掃除淨盡。亦作:一掃而光。
雞犬不留: 軍隊所過,雞狗被殺光。喻不留情地殘殺,人和牲畜一起殺光。英even fowls and dogs are not spared; complete extermination;
除惡務盡: 驅除邪惡,務求徹底乾淨。例唐以屢赦而成藩鎮之禍,蔓草難圖,除惡務盡。——《野叟曝言》七一回。英evil must be completely eradicated; Evils must be pulled up by the roots.One must be thorough in exterminating an evil;
寸草不留: 指天災人禍後破壞殆盡,什麼也沒留下。英not leave anything;
抽薪止沸: 抽去鍋底柴薪,以止息鍋內湯液的滾沸外溢。比喻從根本上解決問題。英stop the boiling by taking out the fire; (fig) take drastic measures to stop sth.;
趕盡殺絕: 驅逐斬殺,消滅乾淨。泛指對人殘忍狠毒,不留餘地。英none; be ruthless;
削株掘根: 猶斬草除根。喻從根本上消除禍患。
斬盡殺絕: 全部殺盡。
養虎遺患: 養著老虎,留下禍患。比喻縱容壞人,給自己留下後患。例楚兵罷食盡,此天亡楚之時也,不如因其飢而逐取之。今釋弗擊,此所謂“養虎自遺患”也。——《史記·項羽本紀》英Rear a tiger is to court calamity; Cherish a snake in one's bosom;
不留餘地: 不留一點空餘之地。多指言語行動沒有留下回旋的地步。
剪草除根: 鋤草要除掉根端,比喻除惡務盡,不能姑息遺患。英mow the grass and pull out the roots; cut the weeds and dig up the roots; destroy evil,leaving no chance of its revival;