注音 ㄉㄚˇ ㄘㄠˇ ㄐ一ㄥ ㄕㄜˊ
拼音 dǎ cǎo jīng shé
▸ 顧此失彼 ▸ 操之過急 ▸ 風吹草動 ▸ 急功近利 ▸ 打草蛇驚 ▸ 因小失大
⒈ 原指懲罰了別人,也警戒了自己。後喻指作事不密,致使人有所戒備。
英beat the grass and frighten away the snake; (fig) act rashly and alert the enemy;
顧此失彼: 兩者不能同時兼顧。例錢糧輸納,必有定限,……限有定而百姓閒時辦銀,逢限上納,無顧此失彼之慮。——清·黃六鴻《錢穀比限》英take one into consideration to the neglect of the other; attend to one thing and lose sight of another;
操之過急: 辦事心情急切,急於求成。例一步一步來,不要操之過急。英act precipitately; act with undue haste; carry sth.too far;
風吹草動: 有風吹,草就動。喻指因輕微的動作而發生影響。例萬一有些風吹草動,不要我管門起來,趕得出去,就是個死。——《二刻拍案驚奇》英the slightest sign of disturbance; at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind; be sensitive to the slightest upset as the grass bends whenever the wind blows;
急功近利: 急於求得成功,只圖近期得利,形容目光短淺、胸無大志。英be eager for quick success and instant benefit; seek quick success and instant benefits;
打草蛇驚: 見“打草驚蛇”。
因小失大: 由於小事疏忽而誤了大事。⒉ 指因圖小利而造成大的損失。