注音 ㄉㄚˇ ㄐ一ㄚ ㄐ一ㄝˊ ㄕㄜˋ
拼音 dǎ jiā jié shè
▸ 謀財害命 ▸ 趁火打劫 ▸ 明火執杖 ▸ 為非作歹 ▸ 綠林好漢 ▸ 明火執仗 ▸ 打家截舍 ▸ 殺人越貨
⒈ 成夥到人家裡搶劫。劫,搶劫。
英loot; to raid homes and plunder houses;
謀財害命: 圖謀財物而殺害人命。例無異於謀財害命。英kill for money; have designs against (on) sb.; murder sb.for his money;
趁火打劫: 利用失火的混亂時機行劫,比喻趁人之危,從中取利。英try to profit from another’s misfortune; rob the owner while his house is on fire;
明火執杖: 同“明火執仗”。
為非作歹: 做違法的事,做令人痛恨的事。例你待為非作歹,瞞心昧己,終久是不牢堅。我說的是好話,不過叫你心裡留神,並沒叫你去為非作歹。——《紅樓夢》到了二十歲,便不念書了,跟在畢植本身邊,趁空便跑了出去為非作歹。——清·南亭亭長《中國現代記》英do evil things; perpetrate outrages; commit crimes;⒉ 亦作“生非作歹”
綠林好漢: 同“緑林豪客”。
明火執仗: 膽敢於夜間公然持火照明,攜帶器仗,入室搶劫。形容明目張膽地為非作歹,毫無顧忌。英armed robbery committed openly; armed attack with torches; carry torches and weapons in a robbery;
打家截舍: 見“打家劫舍”。
殺人越貨: 殺害人命,搶奪財物。例一夥殺人越貨的強盜。英kill a person and seize his goods; commit murder and robbery; loot and kill;