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拼音 ān tǔ zhòng qiān
⒈ 在家鄉住慣了,很不願意搬遷。
英be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it; hate to leave one’s native land;
安家落戶: 在一個新地方安家定居。有時也指到基層長期居住。例他希望在農村安家落戶。英settle down; make one's home in a place;
戀戀不捨: 戀戀:愛慕;留戀。舍:捨棄,放下。形容非常留戀,捨不得離開。也指極其愛慕,捨不得放下。例我所戀戀不捨者,單愛他這一件兒。——明·馮夢龍《醒世恆言》英be reluctant to leave; hate to see sb.go;
安居樂業: 居住安定,樂於從事自己的職業。英dwell under one's vine and fig tree; live and work in peace and contentment;
安家立業: 成立家庭,建立事業。