
注音 ㄐ一ˊ ㄕˊ ㄒ一ㄥˊ ㄌㄜˋ

拼音 jí shí xíng lè




⒈  只顧目前快樂而並不考慮將來的享受。

carpe diem; enjoy the present day,and trust the least possible to the future; have a good time while we have the chance; make merry while we can;

極樂世界:  佛教指阿彌陀佛居住的國土,認為那裡可以獲得光明、清淨、快樂,擺脫人間煩惱的西方樂土。英Pure Land;⒉  泛指理想、如意的境界。英world of perfect bliss;

燈紅酒綠:  形容盡歡的場面,多指腐化奢侈的生活。例燈紅酒綠,紙醉金迷。英red lanterns and green wine — scene of debauchery;

秉燭夜遊:  拿著點燃的蠟燭在夜間遊玩,指及時行樂。英have night outings with candles in hand;

醉生夢死:  像喝醉了酒或做夢似的,糊里糊塗地活著。例他終日醉生夢死,雖有高才明智,又有何用。此後,他只是醉生夢死,以此了此一生。英live as if intoxicated or dreaming; lead a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming; dream away one’s time;

花天酒地:  縱情恣意於酒色。例到京之後,又復花天酒地,任意招搖。——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英indulge in dissipation; lead a life of luxury and debauchery;⒉  —亦作“酒地花天”

今朝有酒今朝醉:  亦作“今日有酒今日醉”。